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Today is the first day of lecture activities

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Today is the first day of lecture activities. On this first day, all new students of the Department of Economics were gathered in the hall to hear instructions from the dean.

I prepared my heart as well as possible because today we can be sure we will meet in person. I chose to sit in the middle row so I wouldn't be too conspicuous when I noticed him.

After all the freshmen sat neatly in their respective chairs, the host invited the deans and deputy deans to enter. When one dean and three deputies stood on the stage, all the students gave a standing ovation. Then the four of them sat on the sofa behind the podium.

The event began with welcoming and opening remarks from the dean. All eyes turned to the podium. But not with me. From the moment the man appeared, my entire focus was only on him. I watched his every move-when he chatted with other lecturers, when he listened seriously, nodded his head, clapped his hands, crossed his legs, and so on.

I squeezed the fabric of my black trousers tightly when I saw him sitting proudly on his throne. How could he live in peace with all this comfort and luxury when my mother and I had to fight just eat twice a day.

The sound of thunderous applause was heard again. It turned out that the dean had finished delivering his speech. Now it was the man's turn.

"Next are instructions from the Deputy Dean one of the Department of Economics who is in charge of academics, student affairs and alumni. Give a big round of applause to Mr. Nicholas Grayson."

More thunderous applause echoed again in the spacious hall. I could feel different vibes from the freshmen when they saw the man standing on the podium. He has indeed stolen the attention of all the new students from the start.

I admit, he did look dashing standing there. He raised the mic until it was level with his mouth then tapped it twice.

"Good morning everyone." he said firmly.

"Good morning." The boisterous voice answered his greeting enthusiastically. My mouth was pressed tightly. I don't want to answer it.

"Welcome to the Department of Economics, stanford university..."

He spoke firmly and to the point. As deputy dean one, he focuses more on explaining students' rights and obligations in the academic field.

Without much effort, he managed to grab all the students' attention-and so did mine. The difference is, I looked at him with a look of hatred and anger. I really wanted to go forward and stab him in the eye using the tip of the pen that I was holding tightly at the moment.

"...That is all and thank you."

He closed his speech and all the students applauded in unison without waiting for directions from the presenter. He greeted the other two deputy deans, then got off the stage and left the hall.

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