Ride: Chapter 2

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During the ride back to their base, Will's eye darted nervously around, always on the lookout for any potential threat. He couldn't help but flinch anytime someone in the truck made a sudden movement or reached for something.

Negan, sitting beside Will, noticed the young man's unease and decided to strike up a conversation to distract him from his fears. "You know, Will, you're gonna fit right in with our group. We're a colorful bunch, and we've all got our quirks."

Will forced a weak smile, "Th-thank you, sir. I... I'll do my best."

As the truck rumbled along the desolate road, Will couldn't shake the memories of the past, the violence he had witnessed, and the sharp objects that had brought him so much pain.

As the truck rumbled along, the atmosphere inside grew more relaxed. The other Saviors chatted amongst themselves, occasionally cracking jokes or sharing stories of their past. Negan kept an eye on Will, trying his best to make him feel welcome.

However, after a little while, one of the Saviors pulled out a knife to open a can of food they had scavenged.

The metallic sound of the blade being unsheathed caused a sudden jolt of fear to surge through Will. He flinched back in his seat, shutting his one visible eye tightly, his body tensing as if he expected a strike to come at any moment.

The Savior, oblivious to Will's trauma, casually used the knife to pop open the can lid. The metallic clink of the blade against the can reverberated through the vehicle, making Will's heart race even faster.

Negan immediately noticed Will's reaction and realized that this wasn't just a simple phobia; it was a deep-rooted fear born from traumatic experiences. He held up a hand to stop the Savior with the knife, his voice firm but understanding. "Hold on, buddy. Put the knife away for now."

The Savior complied, stowing the knife back in its sheath. Negan then turned his attention back to Will, his tone gentle and reassuring. "Hey, Will, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you. You're safe here with us."

Will slowly opened his eye and peered around, realizing that no harm had come to him. He unclenched his fists and began to relax, though his fear still lingered in the air.

Negan continued to talk to Will, making sure he felt as comfortable as possible. "We've all got our demons, kid. But you're part of our crew now, and we look out for each other. You don't have to be afraid here."

As the tension in the truck eased, Will managed to find his voice, though it still trembled with fear and uncertainty. He turned to Negan and the other Saviors, his visible eye filled with a mixture of gratitude and remorse.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry, sir." Will stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I d-didn't mean to react like that."

Negan's expression softened as he realized that Will carried a heavy burden of trauma, and he exchanged a knowing glance with the other Saviors, understanding that Will's past held dark secrets. "There's nothing to be sorry for, Will. We all have our scars in this messed-up world. Just know that you're among friends now."

Unbeknownst to Negan and his Saviors, the horrors that Will had experienced ran far deeper than they could imagine. Will had been a prisoner and a pet project for years, held captive by a sadistic Master and Mistress who had subjected him to unimaginable cruelty.

But there was another secret hidden deep within Will's past. He was not just a survivor; he was a demon —a being of great power that had been summoned into this world by a brother and sister who called themselves the Gleeful Twins.

Will's visible eye held a lifetime of pain and suffering from their hands. These sadistic tormentors had manipulated him, using his powers for their own gain. They had tricked him, trapped him, and ruthlessly exploited his supernatural abilities for their twisted magic show, all while keeping him under their control. They had bound him to their will, and he had been forced to perform dark feats of magic against his own nature.

The truck rumbled on, the engine's growl mixing with the heavy silence that had settled in the cabin. Negan, still unaware of the full extent of Will's past, leaned back in his seat, his mind racing with thoughts of their recent encounter.

He turned his attention back to Will, who sat in a corner, trying to regain his composure after the knife incident. "Will, you don't have to tell us anything you're not comfortable with," Negan reassured him. "But if you ever want to talk, know that we're here to listen."

Will nodded appreciatively, but he couldn't bring himself to reveal the horrors of his past just yet. The pain was still too fresh, and the fear of being judged or rejected kept him silent.

As the miles passed, Will couldn't help but reflect on his time with the Gleeful Twins and the dark magic that had bound him to them. He knew that his secrets were a ticking time bomb, and he couldn't outrun his past forever.

But as the truck continued its journey, Will's secrets remained hidden, his past a dark chapter in a world filled with horrors. For now, all he could do was cling to the faint glimmer of hope that he had found in the company of Negan and his Saviors. He felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he had found a place where he could begin to heal and rebuild his shattered trust in humanity, and pray that maybe, one day, he could confront his demons and reclaim the power that was rightfully his.

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