Day 257

41 6 63

Hey! So, I will just go ahead and say it, Sapnap and George are ghosts. I know this might be confusing with George hugging Dream and Momwastaken not noticing Sapnap when she walked through his arm, but this will all make sense soon.

The song is called Clouds, by Jvke, and I've had it stuck in my head all day today.

Lets begin!

Dream POV

             I walk into my Chemistry class, still walking through a fog of tiredness, and sit next to Foolish.

"Hey" he says, pulling his pencil out of his bag.


    The bell rings and Ms. Murphy walks into the room.

"Alright class, settle down." We weren't talking or moving around at all.

"Today we will be starting our unit on Molecule structure."

      The entire class groans.

"Now to start off, who can define a Molecule? Quackity, did I see you raise your hand?"

"Actually, no Ms, you didn't."

"That's funny, because I swear I did. Now answer the question."

     Quackity sighs. "A group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

"Quackity, give me your phone."

"I don't have it."

Ms. Murphy gives him the look (😑+😒).

"Fineeee," Quackity says, pulling his phone out from behind his notebook. Ms Murphy snatches it from his hands.

"You can have this back at the end of class."

Quackity sighs again.


     I enter the lunchroom and sit next to Karl and Bad.

"You doing good?" Karl asks me.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, I'm doing pretty good."

     Just then Sapnap and George appear. Sapnap puts his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet as he and George sneak up behind Karl.

     George grabs Karls shoulders, causing him to screech, getting some questionable glances from our friends. Sapnap pushes George aside so it looks like he scared Karl. Karl turns around and sees him.

"Sapnappp!" Karl giggles, then suddenly realizes what he just said, putting his hands over his mouth.

     I see Ranboo facepalm off to the side, and everyone else confused. Bad nearly drops his baked potato.

    Foolish is the first to speak.

"Karl. Explain."

"Ummmmm..." He glances towards me, his eyes saying, "what do I doooo."  

    I look over at Sapnap and George. They both sheepishly look away. Oh gosh I have to tell them, don't I. 

     Ranboo glances at the four of us and sighs.

    "We," He pauses, looking around, "We can't explain here... just, Just come to my house after school." Everyone still looks confused and slightly panicked, but they all agree.

    The rest of lunch is filled with silence and us picking at our food.


     My last class ended and I am waiting by Karl's locker so we can walk to Ranboo's together. I see him walking through the hallway towards me.

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