1 Year

45 7 50

     Hi guys!!! This chapter and the next couple might seem a little confusing, but trust the process.

Song is Anarchy by the Egg (I actually found this song through another fanfic!)


Panic Attack, Blood, Gun (sort of)

I'll have a warning before the blood and gun part.

You ready?

Dream POV

    I wake up slowly, the sun streaming through my window. I take a deep breath, knowing that today was going to be a rough day. I look over and then notice George sitting at my desk.

He looks up and smiles.

"Hey," I smile back. "Hi," he replies softly.

     He walks over and sits on the bed, giving me a hug. He's cold, as always, and feels thin and fragile as a piece of paper.

      I sigh, feeling tears build up, remembering what happened, a year ago today. "You okay?" George asks, concern flashing across his porcelain white face. He knows how rough the past year has been for the both of us.



"Today was the day."

"Oh Dream." He gives me another hug and buries his head into the crook of my neck. 

"I'm going to go and get Sapnap."

"Don't take too long," I say smirking, knowing it will take him less than a couple of minutes.

"You know that out of all of us, me and Sapnap will be waiting on you." George says, grinning before vanishing.

     I smile to myself and walk over to my closet, picking out black dress shorts and a green polo. I quickly change and go to the bathroom to comb out my hair. I head out of the and back into my room to see George and Sapnap waiting for me.

"Wow, you actually dressed decent," Sapnap smirks.

"You wouldn't do the same for me?" I reply, glancing at him.

"Nah. I'd show up in jorts and a hoodie."

     We head down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I see my mom holding a cup of coffee in her hand and staring off into the distance. Drista's there too, pushing her cereal around in the bowl. My mom turns her head and saw me. 

      "Morning Clay," my mom says, getting up to give me a hug, walking through Sapnap's arm in the process, which causes him to start screeching in pain.

      "How are you holding up?" She whispers in my ear, "I'm doing okay." I respond, trying to hold in my laughter from all of Sapnap's yelling, which Drista is failing at miserably. 

     "Drista what are you laughing at?!" Mom says slightly louder over her laughter. I shoot her a glare. "Uhhh.... sorry, Beth sent me a funny meme."

"Okay..." My mom says, giving Drista a suspicious look while Sapnap glared at her. "We're going to leave in fifteen minutes, so go get your shoes on."

We walk into the other room and Drista bursts out into laughter again. 

"Shut uppp" Sapnap groans.

"Hey! >:0" Drista says.


     We arrive at Sapnap's house and his mom comes out to greet us. She gives me a hug and then turns to Sapnap, and whispers quietly enough so that only Sapnap and I could hear her "Hey Sap." 

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