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Victor slowly walked to his small apartment kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee, thinking it would help relieve his awful headache. However, even through his pain, he was still thinking about last night, the night that changed Victor forever. Without any second thought, he got back to his computer and got right to work.

As he surfs for hours on end, encountering some really disturbing stuff, he finally found something that he thought cannot go past without punishment, a website showcasing child pornography. This was the first time Victor was faced and felt disgusted about what he was seeing on his screen. He felt his headache growing stronger, he felt angrier and angrier every second the website was still active. He started working on a plan on how he can demolish the site and bring the creators of it down with it. He began brainstorming about possible ways to go about it:

"A DDOS attack wouldn't cut it here, as it would take the website down, but not the people who created it. Maybe I can sign up into the site and maybe find some clues?" - He thought to himself. Victor quickly began typing down his email that was solely meant to be used for these types of situations. A few seconds later, he was in. As he looked through, while trying not to look at the images and videos he was exposed to. As he does so, Victor eventually finds a contact email, possibly of the creator himself. He sends them an email, hoping for a response, and surely enough, he gets it rather quickly. He began trying to track down the exact location from where the email was sent...

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