Purple's Interlude: The Incident

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Cast For this Chapter



Purple woken up to a black haze in the room. He seemed to be alone but he wasn't alone.

Purple: Hello?

???: ....Astral........

The voice was hazy and echoey. Then, a Black Shadow walked up slowly to Purple.

Purple: Who are you?

???: ...........

The shadow then changes to a liquid and splatter itself on Purple. The liquid then went inside hid body while Purple was panicking.

Purple: Get off of me!

Purple felt really tired and fainted

In the past

Three eevees were grinding on the rings of saturn.

Nebula: Wheeeee!

Astral: Wheeee!

Void: Yay!

Until suddenly, a wild Luxray attacked them.

Wild Star Luxray: RAAAGH!


Astral: I'll handle this!

Astral tried to defend his siblings by charging into the Luxray.

Wild Star Luxray: You think you can take me on? Hehe.. You're just a weak eevee.

Astral: Take this! Tackle at-

The Luxray whacked Astral to the side before he had the chance to attack.

Void/Nebula: Astral!

Astral: hng... ow.....

Luxray: Ready to die? Heheheh.

Void and Nebula started crying in fear.

Void/Nebula: Waaaaaah! Mommy! Daddy! Help us!

Astral: Urghh.. Take this!

Astral got up and tried to tackle the Luxray. It didn't budge.

Luxray: Heh. Weak. Maybe I'll kill you first.

Something struck the Luxray in the back.

Supernova: Are you alright kids?

Luxray: What... did.... you... Put.

The Luxray fainted and Supernova saved his kids.

Supernova: Are you alright?

Space Siblings: Daddy!

They hugged their father in a moment of relief.

Supernova: Luckily I had these sleeping darts otherwise, you three would've died.

Void: Astral was hurt!

Supernova: What!?

Supernova checked on Astral's wounds. He wasn't hurt but faced minor scratches.

Supernova: Lets get you three back home.

Supernova carried Astral on his back and walked back home. Void and Nebula followed their dad back home.

At home

???: Welcome back Nova and kids- OH MY GOSH!

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