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Sean and Garrett are playing cards at the treehouse while Shift, Null, and Indigo are away. Garrett and Sean clearly felt bored from playing cards.

Garrett: I'm bored

Sean: Of course you are, we are bored.

Garrett: should we do something else instead?

Sean: I don't know.

Garrett: lemme check on my phone.

Garrett searched on his phone and he found something interesting.

Garrettt: What if we did thing called solids.

Sean: Solids?

Garrett: Yeah. Its like you do requests when someone says "do me a solid and do it"

Sean: Hey Garrett, do me a solid and throw yourself off the window.

Garrett: W-

Sean: You can't refuse a solid.

Garrett: Dude, you don't even know about the game and you're learning quickly.

Sean: Do the Solid.

Garrett: Fine.

Garrett jumps out of the window. He fell to the ground.

Garrett: Ow...

Sean: Nice.

Garrett: If that's how its going to be, Do me a solid and drink Vinegar.

Sean: You wouldn't...

Garrett: Yes i would. Now do it.

Sean had no choice but to drink vinegar. He chugged it all down before screaming. Garrett laughed at him for drinking the vinegar.

Sean: Damn you. I should make you do me a solid and push yourself down the stairs.

Garrett: Bro. Nah...

Sean: alright. i guess I win the solids game then.

Garrett: Alright! Fine!

Garrett falls down the stairs and does the peter griffin death pose.

Sean: Gottem.

The boys kept doing solids for each other for a full hour nonstop.

Garrett: Alright then. time to get serious. Do me a solid and wear this maid dress.

Sean: WHAT!? Dude, This is absurd!

Garrett: You made me nearly break my bones! You gotta do it!

Sean: My whole dignity will be lost!

Garrett: ...

Sean: Ugh. Fine. You win. I'll do it.

5 minutes later

Garrett: Are You done? It's time to come out.

Sean: I'm coming.

Sean walks out of the room. He wore a maid outfit and felt ashamed. Garrett however was laughing at him. Garrett took a picture of Sean and posted them to his friends Indigo, Null, and Shift.

Sean got too embarrassed that the outfit caught on fire. Garret, gasped and tried to put out the fire before it spread any further. After putting out the fire. Sean came up with another solid.

Sean: Garrett, Do me a solid and you're buying me a box of cookies.

Garrett: Fine, lets go.

Garrett and Sean walk to town to fulfill the solid. They went to a food store to grab cookies and walked around.

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