Frosty Adventures: Sea Blues

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Cast for this Chapter.
Everyone except Larisa, Mulberry, and the alts.

Today's the season where snow begins to fall and it's a jolly time for everyone. trees are losing its leaves and lakers are solidifying.

Garrett received an invitation from his family. He was reluctant to read it because of his past but He didn't want to be rude and opened it. Garrett read the letter.

Garrett: "Hi Garrett Dear! It's been a while since we've last seen each other. We've been planning on going on a vacation to Snowglow. It's a place that is well known for its Christmas events and spa. Your cousin and auntie are coming on the vacation and not only that, but Your friends can also all come along with their family members. Call us, ok?"  -Love Mom & Dad

Garrett wasn't excited about the trip. Why? Because his sisters were going.

Null: Hey Garrett.

Garrett: AH!

Garrett was surprised by Null's sudden appearance.

Garrett: It's just you...

Null: What are you reading?

Garrett: *sigh* it's an invitation. From my parents....

Sean: Oh, your parents? It's been a while since I've seen them!

Garrett: Yeah, last time you saw them was when we were eevees that time.

Sean: Ah the memories. Including the time, we've been together.

Garrett: Good memories.

Null: You guys seem to be childhood friends.

Sean: Me and Garrett met in a forest one day. But we'll talk about it later. What does the letter say?

Garrett: My family is inviting us to go on a trip to SnowGlow.

Sean became excited.


Shift and Indigo joined the conversation with the others.

Indigo: What about SnowGlow?

Shift: I hear it's a place that is widely known for its Christmas events and spas.

Null: I've never been to one before.

Indigo: Me neither.

Shift: And me.

Garrett: It'll be great except....

Garrett's expression turned from happy to upset.

Garrett: My sisters are coming on the trip.

Sean: Oh yeah, your sisters... I feel if you don't want to see them but they're your family.

Garrett: You're right... Anyways, Null, can you ask the girls and Purple if they want to go on the vacation?

Null: On it.

Null pulled out his phone and talked to the girls.

Indigo: So that means we can Invite siblings or parents?

Garrett: Yep! I know Sean is going to Invite Sear.

Sean: Correct. What- uh nevermind.

Garrett: what were you going to say.

Sean: Nothing.

Indigo: (Good save, Sean)

Shift: (Yep.)

Garrett: Okay.... I'll talk to my parents. You guys should pack up.

Null came back to the group.

Null: Good news. The girls said they're joining us!

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