Corruption Attack

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Cast For this chapter

Everyone was eating pancakes that Garrett had cooked. Indigo stayed on the tree branch where it was clear for everyone to see him.

Garrett: I learned how to make these pancakes from one of my sisters.

Sapphire: These pancakes are delicious!

Violet: I wonder who would be the best chef.

Kelly: I bet its Melly!

Melly: I'm not a good cook like the rest of you all!

Diamond: I can make the best pancakes. Better than Garrett's.

Purple: How about we settle it with a cook-off?

Shift: Good Idea! Who ever makes the best food is the winner!

Sean: After we're finished with cooking, we can eat each other's dish and see who's the best cook!

Melly was distracted from the group talking about cooking. She was staring at Indigo staring at the sky. She had a feeling that something strange was going on with him.

Indigo jumped off the branch to talk to the group.

Indigo: Hey guys.

Sapphire: Hey Indigo!

Shift: Great Timing Void! We were just talking about having a cook-off to see who's the best!

Indigo: A cook-off?

Kelly: Yeah! It's going to be fun!

Sean: Want to join?

Indigo: I could but you see... I was about to have a walk around the forest.

Garrett: Are you sure? it could be a lot of fun!

Indigo: I'm good. Thanks.

Indigo left the campsite.

Melly: Hey... I'm going to go for a walk too.

Violet: Alright... Be careful!

Melly: Will do!

Melly left the campsite to go after Indigo.

Garrett: I guess that leaves the rest of us.

Diamond: Should it be in duos or solo?

Sean: Lets do it in duos.

Purple: Lets see here... Garrett, Sean, Null, Kelly, Sapphire, Shift, Violet, Diamond, and Me... there's enough teams for the 3 of us.

Violet: Then we can get in groups then.

Sean: Hey Garrett and Null, How about we form a team!

Null: Ok.

Garrett: Sure!

Sapphire: Then Me and Sapphire can become a team and also include her boyfriend Shift.

Diamond: That would be nice.

Shift: Ok.

Violet: Then that leaves Me, Purp, and Kelly.

Kelly: We're going to make the best food!

Garrett: We'll start right now!

Null: Stop!

Violet: What is it?

Null: I'm still a liquid!

Garrett: F**K! we forgot about that.

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