The Doctors Office

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Cast for this chapter:


Purple: Vio, get out there, we have to go to the doctor for a checkup!

Violet: NO!

Purple: Violet...

Violet: HISS

Purple: *sigh*

Purple sighed, because today was the sibling's checkup with the doctor. Purple was ready but Violet wasn't. Instead, she locked herself in her room. Purple knocked again.

Purple: Violet, if you go, I promise that we'll get some ice cream!

Violet refused.

Violet: NO!

Purple: Do we have to make this hard? We have no choice but to go!

Violet: I don't wanna!

Purple has no choice but to trick her.

Purple: Alright. I'll just call to cancel that appointment.

Purple pulled out his phone and levitated it next to his ear without actually calling anyone.

Purple: Hello? Doctor? Yeah, I came to cancel our appointment. Yes? Thank you.

Purple leaned next to the door and lied to her sister.

Purple: I just called the doctor, and I told him that the appointment was cancelled.

Violet: Really? ah... Thank Arceus.

Violet opened the door which gave Purple a chance. He opened the door and tackled Violet to the floor.

Purple: I got you now Violet! There's no use trying to escape.

Violet: MREOW!

Violet scratched Purple's face with her claws and escaped downstairs. Purple chased her but Violet was doing everything she could not to get caught by her brother.

Purple: Violet! I'm not stopping until we go to the doctor!

Violet: HISS!

Violet hissed at Purple like a cat. She was trying to avoid Purple.

Purple: Violet, you're not a cat, stop running!

Violet: NO!

Purple: UUGHHHH! Thats it.

Purple walked away from Violet. He was getting a cage from the basement that he'd use every time they have to go to the doctors.

Purple returned to Violet while holding a cage.

Purple: Violet. Either you go peacefully, or you can go inside this cage.

Violet used her moonblast attack on Purple, but he dodged the attack. Purple managed to capture Violet inside the cage and locked it.


Purple: Sis, Stop meowing like a cat, you're not a cat!

Violet moved around inside the cage and tackled the bars to no avail.

Purple: Now Let's go!

Purple left his house with Violet inside the cage and made his way to the doctor's office. Violet hissed continuously.

10 minutes later

Purple and Violet arrived at the doctor's office. He entered the office and talked to the receptionist.

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