Chapter 0: Prologue

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We awaken in a Space Bridge tunnel, where we see Megatron falling through it, almost endlessly. Megatron appears unconscious with burn marks along his armor from the explosion. He falls for a while until the tunnel turns a dark red and he falls out into.....

Hell, more specifically, Imp City in the Pride Ring. Some citizens of the city below notice Megatron falling, who heats up like a meteor. Megatron awakens from the sudden heat.

Megatron: "Wh-... what...? Where am I?!"

Megatron turns and notices where he is, including the city below.

Megatron: "This looks like Earth... But also.. Not?"

He quickly notices how fast he's falling and transforms into his jet mode as he falls, but activates his thrusters too late and slams into the road. crashing through many cars. Triggering a few car alarms and causing a lot of the nearby inhabitants to run and scream in fear. Megatron transforms back into his bot mode, gripping his head in pain as he climbs onto his feet.

Megatron: "What.. is this place...?"

Megatron then hears someone loudly crunching, he looks over and sees a small red man in a suit with long curled horns and half of his face is white, he also appears to be eating popcorn.

???: "Welcome to Imp City, Buckethead! You don't look like you're from around here, you just died or something?"

Megatron: "Died? No.. I don't believe so, If I did I would not be speaking with you."

???: "Oh right, well you see.. You're in Hell. That means, you know... You died?"

Megatron: "Hell? But this doesn't make sense, if I'm dead I shouldn't be here-"

???: "Oh great, are you one of those delusional fuckers who thinks they were doing the right thing?"

Megatron seems insulted by the attitude from this small creature

Megatron: "What? No, I'm referring to the fact that this isn't supposed to be my afterlife!"

???: "Well, you're here now. Doesn't matter what your religions were. Say, do you need a job?"

Megatron: "You really believe that I would degrade myself to serve beings lesser than me?!"

Megatron approaches the small creature aggressively and readies his arm cannon. Causing the small being to panic.

???: "Woah, hey! Hear me out! It's an assassination business where we go to Earth and kill whoever people hire us to!"

Megatron lowers his cannon. Seeming interested by this.

Megatron: "Earth? You say?"

???: "Yeah, we basically go to Earth and kill people who our clients hated! Hell, if it stops you from blowing my brains out I can give you a free kill on the house."

Megatron: "Hmmm... Very well, I shall join your team. However only because I have things I may need to do in the land of the Living."

???: "Phew... Well, the names Blitzø. The O is silent."

Megatron raises his eyebrow.

Megatron: "What O?"

Blitzø: "Looks like you already get it, Let me show you to our office!"

Blitzø walks off as Megatron follows him, still being cautious of this new environment.

(A/N: Megatron is just gonna stand outside the window of the office, I don't care if they are on a higher floor, for the sake of this fic they are on a lower floor so he can actually communicate with the characters.)

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