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Elizabeth was just taking her first sip of her tea when young Timmy Bayne appeared at her elbow, a solemn look on his face. She smiled at him.

"Why, good morning, Timmy," she greeted.

"Mornin' ma'am," he looked a little uncomfortable, shifting on his bare feet.

"What is it, Timmy?" she asked kindly, her hand gentle on his shoulder.

"Marshal's gone out to Pa's claim, lookin' fer 'im. He said I was to come in and tell you." Though it was not the exact truth, Tim Bayne was a proud youngster, and he couldn't bring himself to ask for a meal.

Elizabeth understood the situation at once and smiled kindly at the brave youthful face in front of her.

"All right. That means my husband probably won't be back for a few hours. Would you keep me company Timmy, perhaps have a bit to eat while I drink my tea?" she asked.

"Well," the boy was hungry, glad that she'd made it possible for him to accept her offer like he was helping her out some. "Ifin you like me to, I reckon I can stay."

"Have a seat Timmy, order whatever you want." She told him.

While the boy made his order and anticipated his meal Elizabeth looked outside at the street. Shell appeared from the stable on his buckskin, looking fit and strong. She saw him take one glance in her direction but she didn't think he saw her, then he set gentle spurs to the horse and was off in a cloud of dust. Her heart heavy, feeling somewhat bitter and tired, nevertheless, she turned eyes back to her young companion. Until his father came home, he was in her keep.

They were talking quietly, Elizabeth letting Timmy tell her about how to catch wily ground squirrels when a shadow fell across their table. Elizabeth glanced up and into the pale blue eyes of Felix Wheaton. He was on the town council and had a large ranch that lay on nearly two thousand acres of good land not far from town. He home was on a green spread just past La Ciudad, and he smiled down at her as he took off his hat.

"Good morning, Missus Morgan," his white teeth flashed at her.

"Good morning, Mister Wheaton," she took the hand he offered, her face registering nothing as he bent over and brushed the back of her hand with his lips.

Timmy looked over his plate at the man with undisguised antagonism and dislike. Something about Wheaton didn't sit well with the youngster, and he didn't like the way Felix always looked at the marshal's wife. Hel Morgan was one of his favorite people, after his pa, and Timmy had taken a liking to the marshal's wife too. She was pretty, always kind to him, and she smelled like roses.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Felix asked.

"Not at all, please, sit. Timmy was just explaining to me how to deal with the local wildlife." Elizabeth indicated an empty chair.

"Oh?" Wheaton set his hat on the table and dropped into the seat. "Catch much lately little man?"

Timmy said nothing to that, only glaring over his eggs. Elizabeth looked at him with a small smile on her lips but a warning look in her eyes.

"Remember your manners, Tim," was all she said.

"I don't catch 'em," the boy answered Wheaton sullenly "I kill 'em."

He shoveled the last bit of food into his mouth and stood, pushing the plate away. Without chewing he swallowed the mouthful and came around the table to Elizabeth's side.

"Thanks for the grub, Missus Morgan, I'll be off now."

He stalked off quickly, throwing one last look of disgust over his shoulder at Felix.

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