They were actually scared listening to the haunting lullaby.

For some reason this song just made Mark fall even more in love. He loved that Alex seemed a little twisted and demented. He couldn't believe that he hadn't even met this man and was already in love with him.

Miranda smiled at the lullaby, sure it was a little haunting and twisted. But it was beautiful, and her boy had a lovely singing voice.

Christina Yang couldn't help but smile a little at the song, it was hauntingly beautiful.

He was still humming the lullaby as he was applying their baby powder and lotion. He dressed them up in black and white striped onsies, that he found absolutely adorable. He sat in the rocking chair by the window watching his little ones roll around on their play mat.

Their breaths hitched at the sight of the child sitting in the rocking chair. He had shoulder length fluffy black hair, pretty heterochromatic eyes that seemed to glow as he stared at his kids. He had a soft smile on his pretty face, which showed the dimples in his cheeks. But they also couldn't help but notice that the child was a little thing. They almost burned holes in the screen as they stared at the bruises on their boy.

Now that he was sitting in the morning sun you could see the bruises better. A huge hand shaped bruise wrapped around his throat. Hand shaped bruises on his arms, a large red cut on his head. The redness to his eyes that indicated crying. But he was smiling still and that showed them a very important thing to them.

Alex Karev was a survivor.

He knew that he was going to have to leave them alone for a while. He had to go downstairs and clean up the mess his parents left last night and make breakfast for his pregnant mother. He had to make sure she had her medicine and that she was comfortable while also making sure his dad was asleep or gone.

"She's pregnant again? That means Alex is going to get more kids." Commented Derek.

A resigned sigh echoed through the theater, it seemed their boy was going to have even more children to take care of. And on top of that he had to take care of two adults that only harmed him.

Alex smiled gently as his little girls got up and started stumbling towards him. He slid off the chair and onto his knees while opening his arms so he could catch them. They walked right into his arms giggling happily, it was one of his favorite sounds in the world. The sound of his children's laughter, it warmed him up from the inside out. He smiled brightly as the smell of strawberries and baby powder filled his nose.

"Mamuchka, Mamuchka!" His babies babbled to him, he grinned down at them as he brought their faces close together. All of their foreheads were touching, and he made a funny face which made his malen'kiye zvezdy giggle sweetly.

"Yes, malen'kiye zvezdy? What do you need?" He asked gently, wondering what they wanted to say to him.

"We love you!" The girls giggled in sync, with bright gummy grins. He grinned wildly back.

"Mamuchka loves you to malen'koye plamya and malen'kaya lisa, he loves you forever and always." He stated gently as he rubbed all their noses together.

Everyone's heart warmed at the scene the loving family displayed. You could see the love in Alex's eyes as he gazed at his little ones. And you could see the absolute adoration that his kids had for their Mamuchka.

A sniffle rang out and everyone turned towards the source of the noise. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd was sniffling softly because of the heartwarming scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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