Three More Stars

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Austin, Texas. December 1, 2005

Excitement filled the people in the theater, their boy lived in Texas. Though they were still weary about the ominous statement made previously. About how his life was going to get darker.

Alex woke up at 5 in the morning so he could take care of his babies. They were growing nicely, with cute little teeth growing in. He scurried over towards the nursery that he set up.

"What do you mean he set up the nursery?" Questioned Preston in astonishment. Everyone was thinking the same thing.

"What do you think? Catherine and Patrick wouldn't do it, they are barely home. And when they are all they do is abuse Alex and ignore the babies. So he took matters into his own hands, he stole Patrick's credit card and ordered a shit ton of baby stuff. He figured out the instructions, built the furniture, and set up a nursery for his babies." Explained the voice.

They were astonished, a four year old had managed to set up a nursery all by himself. He was raising twins by himself at four years old! Most adults couldn't do that. Much less a four year old, and yet he did it.

He walked in and smiled fondly down at his malen'kiye zvezdy.

"What does that mean?" Asked Arizona curiously at the sight of the Russian words on the screen.

"It translates to 'little stars'." The voice explained. Everyone in the theater awed even if the interns tried not to. It was really cute.

He walked over the the only one awake. The oldest Adelaide was peering up at him with big blue eyes, a gummy smile stretching her chubby cheeks. He cooed down at her grinning at the sight of her three little teeth. He picked her up to give her a bath and change her.

" Hello, malen'koye plamya. How are you doing today?"

Adele cooed at the sound of her baby's accent, he had such a pretty Russian accent.

Mark thought his accent was adorable and it made him blush a little thinking about what it would sound like as he got older. As his voice deepened a little, his face got progressively redder before he stopped that train of thought.

"What does that mean," Callie asked curiously.

"It means 'little flame'," the voice translated for them.

"Awwww, its so cute that he calls her that." Arizona awed.

He was giving her a bath when he noticed that his malen'kaya lisa Elanor was waking up. He saw her pale blonde lashes flutter upwards as she gave off a cute yawn. He walked over to pick her up with his Adelaide sitting snug in his arms. He was getting wet but he didn't care, he was just taking care of his babies.

"He called her 'little fox'," the voice explained before anyone could ask.

Mark cooed softly under his breath finding his future husband absolutely adorable. The way he took care of his kids so lovingly was making Mark's heart pound.

He brought both his babies over to the little bath he bought from Amazon. He played them down gently in the lukewarm water. He had read somewhere that intense temperatures were not good for babies, so he always made sure the water was room temperature. He started singing the lullaby his babushka sang to him.

"Be warned that this song is not normal in America. Some see it as violent but it is normal for Russian families, especially the Karev family." The voice warned the room.

People were worried, how bad could a lullaby be?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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