Alex Karevs Backstory

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Everyone watched as the screen lit up in fascination. They were curious to see Alex's life and how their relationships began. They also wanted to know why Alex hated the other interns.

Chekalin, Tula Oblast, Russia. December 25, 2000

Xanthe Alex Karev came into the world greeted by his mother's screams and frigid wind.

A smile spread across Miranda's face at her son's name, it was beautiful. Everyone was interested in the fact that he was born in Russia, and in 2000 no less. Wasn't he a little young to be an intern?

" Voice wouldn't this boy be only 20 years old as an intern? How is that possible and why?!" Christina Yang demanded rudely. This rubbed the hospital staff the wrong way, she did not seem to be a good person. Dr. Burke eyed her out of the corner of his eye with derision, even though he was also curious. Everyone was curious but they weren't callous about it like Yang was.

"Just watch and see, everything will be explained in time." The voice stated coldly, not seeming to appreciate Yangs attitude either. Everyone accepted that though the four interns did so reluctantly.

The babe was curiously enough quiet when he came into the world. Peering around with stunning heterochromatic eyes.

The screen showed a close up of the baby's eyes, and everyone was in awe. Though some were jealous and envious of how pretty his eyes were. (We all know who) The left eye was a deep ocean blue that seemed to swirl like a whirlpool and the right was a glimmering emerald green eye.

"My baby has such stunning eyes!" Adele Webber squealed to the theater, she was in awe of her little boy. As you can tell the three had already claimed Alex as theirs, and were already assuming parental roles.

"Our baby," corrected Richard and Miranda in sync. It was a little scary for everyone else they didn't even glance at each other and still said the same thing at the same time.

"Yes yes, our baby," Adele corrected dismissively. She was still enraptured by the close up of her baby's eyes displayed on the big screen.

The doctors were in awe of the beautiful little baby. He was gorgeous, especially for a premature baby. Usually they were weak and had something wrong with them. But not this little one, no, he was perfectly healthy and strong.

" It's surprising that there was nothing wrong with him." Addison commented nonchalantly, she hurried to explain when she noticed everyone's eyes on her. She would never admit that the three soon to be parents scared her a little. " Usually premature babies are weak and have something wrong with them because they did not spend enough time in the womb."

The three parents let out breaths of relief that their baby was okay. Miranda couldn't help but feel a little smug though, her baby was perfect, and obviously superior to other babies. Preston snorted when he saw the smug look on Miranda's face, he knew that she immediately thought her baby was superior to other babies. Though deep down he couldn't help but feel a little smug himself, his little brother was strong.

"It's not that big of a deal, when are we going to appear on screen!" Complained Izzie Stevens, her narcissistic tendencies already showing themselves. She shivered though as she felt murderous glares land on her skin, she looked up. She gulped as she saw everyone in the front row glaring at her except two of them, the darkest coming from the extremely handsome man sitting at the end of the row. She wisely shut her mouth.

The doctors and the little one himself did not know that this kids life would be hell for the first few years of his life.

Worry filled the occupants of the front row, even Derek and Addison. What did it mean his life would be hell? They hoped he was okay and safe. The interns in the second row were not smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

" His life couldn't be worse than mine, he's just being dramatic!" Scoffed Meredith Grey. Noises of agreement came from the other three dumbass interns.

"He's probably just a spoiled brat looking for attention!" Snickered George O'Malley. He looked up once he heard the silence from the other interns, only to be filled with fear. Everyone in the front row looked murderous.

" Why don't you shut the fuck up so we can watch my husband's life!" Growled Mark Sloan. He was furious, these snot nosed little brats were trash talking his husband and if they didn't shut up he was going to fucking throttle them.

Meek nods came from the interns, as they sat down they knew they needed to be quiet for a while.

"Good job defending our bestie Mark," chirped Arizona Robbins. She had a bright happy smile on her face that contrasted the coldness of her eyes. The interns shivered as those icy blue eyes pinned them to their seats. Her soon to be wife Callie Torres was looking at them like they were dirt on the bottom of her shoes.

Miranda, Richard, and Adele were already planning on how to make these interns lives hell. Miranda wasn't called the Nazi for no reason, she thought to herself with a dark glare on her face.

Catherine and Patrick Karev were not good people and they never would be. Catherine was a schizophrenic alcoholic, and Patrick was an abusive drug addict. At first it was just Catherine he abused and then Alex was born. He found a new target for his anger, it was made even worse with the fact that his son was a hermaphrodite.

The front row had faces filled with horror, their boy had been abused. And they were going to have to watch the abuse. A sick feeling stirred in Callies stomach, why would him being a hermaphrodite make the abuse worse? Richard glanced at Mark to make sure that he didn't have a problem with his husband being a hermaphrodite, but Mark didn't look disgusted or anything.

Mark didn't care that his husband was a hermaphrodite, he would love him all the same.

A small noise of disgust escaped Christina but she learned from the others mistakes and kept her mouth shut.

The one solace that Alex Karev had in his first four years of life was his babushka. His grandmother was a spitfire but she doted on Alex like no other. Alex loved her, she was his favorite person in the entire world and he got most of his looks from her. His fluffy jet black hair, his one emerald green eye, his pert nose, and pale skin. Aleksandra Karev was always a force to be reckoned with even in her old age, but even she couldn't catch everything.

People smiled at the love Alex had for his grandmother, she seemed like a fierce woman. But they were worried at the last statement, what did it mean that she couldn't catch everything.

She didn't catch the bruises developing on snow white skin. She didn't catch how the glow of her little boys eyes dimmed, she didn't catch his sunshine smile showing up less and less. Patrick Karev was a vile man that was only going to get worse.

Fury filled the theater, people were outraged. This moster of a man was smothering an innocent child's light. He was harming an innocent child that didn't do anything wrong. If they ever met Patrick Karev they were going to kill him, brutally.

Even the interns were a little mad, they were awful people but even they would never lay their hand on a child with the intent to harm.

The only time Xanthe Alex Karev smiled anymore was with his babushka. She was the only light in his dark world, until two more little stars lit up his dark sky.

They smiled softly glad that the boy at least had his grandmother. But they were confused about the little stars comment. Their smiles held devastation though, a child's world should not be so dark.

But they would soon learn that Alex Karev was never a child, he grew up far too soon.

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