Chapter 15

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I was released from the hospital early the following morning with strict instructions to rest and recover at home until I felt I could resume my daily routine with minimal to no pain. I was jerked from a restless sleep later that night by a searing, unbearable pain in my chest—like someone had torn my heart clean in half. Swallowing my muffled shout, I rose from the bed and sped towards my closet, getting dressed faster than ever.

I felt terror pressing down on me, crushing my chest, and squeezing the water out of my lungs. I slung my cloak around my shoulders and threw open my door, reaching the entryway in minutes. I had no idea where Ani lived, but every beat of my heart screamed her name: Ani, Ani, Ani. As soon as I emerged into the open water, I let instinct take over.

I could barely see due to the water rushing into my eyes, but I kept going, pushing my body to the limit. The pain was a beacon, drawing me to her. Her face was all I could see: lips contorted in a scream, skin pale as death, tears streaming down her cheeks. When I finally stopped, my chest heaving as I gulped water into my parched lungs, I found myself in front of a moderate-sized house, the inside dark as night.

I could barely see the first rays of sun cleaving through the dark of night, much less the house in front of me. I flung open the door without hesitation, muffled screams and cries reaching my ears from inside.

"Ani?" I called out, my voice loud in the silence broken only by her occasional screams and cries. "Can you hear me?" When I reached the hallway, doors flanking either side, I listened hard, trying to figure out where she was. My heart jumped into my throat when I stopped at the third door on the left.

She had trapped herself in a nightmare, and as much as I wanted to help her, only she could wake herself up. I quietly eased the door open, moonlight flooding through the open windows and illuminating her pale face. I silently swam to the foot of her bed, my heartbeat loud in my ears. "Ani," I said, my voice soft. "It's Drew. Wake up. You are safe."

Agony struck my heart with an iron fist as I watched her invisible struggle. Her screams had lessened to heartbreaking whimpers, but she was still asleep. This kind of nightmare—which sometimes took several tries to get out of—came from deeply rooted trauma. While I still struggled with nightmares and memories of Faye's death, her trauma went deeper than mine. Although I didn't want to admit it, I knew what she was going through. I gently touched her shoulder, willing my heartbeat to calm. 

"Ani," I repeated, louder this time. "Listen to the sound of my voice. Wake up. Wake up!"

As soon as I started to panic, she suddenly gasped, and her eyes flew open. Her chest was heaving; her body trembled as she struggled to bring water into her lungs. Wide, terrified eyes found mine, and after a few breaths, the terror slowly faded as I swam to her side. She collapsed into my arms, her breaths heavy and weary.

I could feel her shaking against me. Her sobs, loud and heartbreaking, cleaved my heart in two all over again. I felt my heartbeat slowly return to normal as I held her. She clung to me, her fingers digging into my shoulders. When she finally spoke, her voice—hoarse and broken—sent bolts of pain straight to my heart. "I-I c-can h-hear t-them. E-every n-night."

I took a deep breath, swallowing hard as I brushed a limp strand of hair off her forehead. "Why didn't you tell me?" Dealing with occasional nightmares was bad enough—I couldn't imagine dealing with them every single night.

I put a hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles. When she responded, her voice was barely a whisper. "I didn't want you to worry. You've got enough on your plate right now." She was quiet for a moment and then looked up at me. "How did you know where to find me?"

I rubbed my free hand over my face. "I was yanked awake earlier this morning by an unbearable pain in my chest—like someone had torn my heart clean in half. I felt terror pressing down on me, crushing my chest and squeezing the water from my lungs. I felt a metaphorical string tying me to you. As soon as I emerged into the open water, I let instinct take over."

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