Chapter 3

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A bolt of pain shot through my shoulder as I regained consciousness, eliciting an uncontrollable cry from me. I jerked upright with a start, then faltered as my head spun. I felt a warm hand rest on the small of my back and another slip into my own as my eyes flew open. For a fleeting, terrifying moment, I couldn't remember where I was or what had happened. Uncle Kai's voice, warm and reassuring, filled my ears a heartbeat later.

"Faye? It's okay, honey. You're safe now." He squeezed my hand, brushing sweaty hair off my forehead. His eyes met mine, filled with worry and fear that made my breath catch. In that split second, I remembered everything.

The panic gradually receded from my body, replaced by electric shocks that shot up my left arm whenever I moved my forearm or shoulder. "I—I saw him," I stammered, my thoughts tripping over one another as I struggled to think through the blinding pain that sliced through my head.

Uncle Kai frowned, confusion filling his eyes. "Who? Mom said you were alone when she found you." He inhaled like he would say something else, but a gentle knock on the suite door drew his attention away. When he turned his head, I used the distraction to sit up straighter. Or try to.

With my left arm being out of commission, my remaining arm struggled to compensate. I bit back a cry as I shoved upright, squeezing my eyes shut as the room spun. I heard the door open and low voices speaking, but I couldn't make out the words. I collapsed back against the pillows, breathing through clenched teeth. Queen Katrina's voice filled my ears, soft and motherly.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake. We've all been worried sick about you. I sent a message to your parents, and they said that they'd be here as soon as they could. Kai reached out to Drew and Jonah and got the same response." When she mentioned Jonah, I sank deeper into the pillows.

For the first time in many years, I was trembling at the thought of facing him. I knew he wasn't angry at me, yet that didn't stop the shiver that slipped down my spine. The knot of guilt and shame in my stomach grew as I understood the reason for his anger. I had left a note, but I'd wager that he hadn't read it. I inhaled to speak but froze as I heard low voices outside the room, getting closer with every breath.

"Kai? Katrina? Is Faye okay?" "Faye, are you in there?" When I heard sobbing, my heart broke clean down the middle. Queen Katrina swam to the door and opened it, revealing several pale, worried faces.

Drew swam in first, confusion and worry etched on his face. Mom and Dad were next, the former's face pale and tear-stained. The latter's eyes were wide as he met Kai's gaze, then Queen Katrina's, before finally looking at me. When Jonah swam in last, the confusion, anger, shame, and fear on his face had me rising from the bed before my brain registered the movement.

I was trembling and sweating, but nothing short of unconsciousness would stop me from explaining to Jonah what had happened. Every stroke seemed to take an eternity—especially since I was only using one arm—so when I finally reached him, I was swaying. He reached out a hand to steady me, his grip warm and reassuring despite the conflicting emotions on his face.

Neither of us spoke for several minutes, and when Jonah finally did, his voice was deadly soft. "Do you know how I felt when I woke up and you weren't there?" He rubbed his free hand over his face, and in that movement, I noticed he was trembling.

Not with shame, I realized with a rush of guilt. But fear. I kept my mouth shut while waiting for him to continue, figuring now wasn't the best time to mention the note. When he finally got his emotions under control, he met my gaze, the look in his eyes breaking my heart in half. "When I realized your parents and Drew didn't know where you were either, my heart dropped. I immediately contacted Nerissa, Izzy, and Irvetta, but none of them had seen you. Drew finally suggested Queen Katrina, and we all rushed over."

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