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Author's pov

It's very nice to have friends and friendship party like this .After a long time they all got some time for themselves.  A lot of chaotic things happened around them and this time at the end of everything it's them overcame everything eventually .Friendship and Love together is something better that we all deserve in our life just like these guys now wasted because they are too drunk yet not gonna give up . But party like this gonna harm you or not let's see ..

"So cheers for our old married couple Ohm and Nanon.." Chimon said shrugging. Nanon hit the pillow on Chimon giving a glare to him .

"I didn't even git engaged and you are referring me married.  I am not that old . " Nanon said pouting with anger and looked at Ohm who shooked his head in a done expression . When Nanon is drunk he speaks a lot and Chimon Is the best buddy he have just like him . Namtan suddenly started to laugh only god know why is it .

"Ooii Namtan .. why are you laughing ? " Film asked cupping her face blinking his eyes .

"Ooii babe.. you are so red and I love you so much ." Namtan said and kissed on Film's cheeks . Film git blushed instantly .

"Shiaa.. this is unfair . Ohm where is your cheek let me give you a kiss ." Nanon said and cupped Ohm's cheeks and instead he could kiss he got a flick on his forehead by Ohm .

"Non.. stop it you are drunk ." Ohm said like a strict parent . Nanon pouted and looked away .

"You are not romantic . You don't love me anymore . " Nanon said and looked away . Ohm chuckled at the behaviour of Nanon the stubborn kid more than their kid .

"Aww.. Aww.. are you sulking ? Then come here . " Ohm said and cupped Nanon' Cheeks and kissed deep on his dimples which popped up with smile instantly.

"Oohmmmm you are the cutest .. " Nanon said and kissed Ohm's cheeks .

"Yaak.. ooii so much love in the air . I can't even breath . You guys are too much . " Chimon said shooking his head but more to his shock Perth grabbed his head and pecked on his lips .

" Oops.. that was fast . And you know what you are the best Perth . Now I am no more single you asshole players .." Chimon said hugging Perth proudly looking at Namtan and Nanon who were known players since their college time but Chimon was nothing like that .

"Shiaa.. he is no more that less talking chimon who  have a poker face always . Aii Perth what did you do to my dear friend Chimon ? Hah ? " Nanon said in a bit tipsy voice.

"I just make him get out of your assistant job. And hngung out with you guys are the main problem of him . Hey Chii , don't work with this guy . Just work with me. He is bad ." Perth who is already drunk said blaming Nanon . Nanon looked at Perth clearly not liking his comment .Then grabbed Perth's collar angrily .

"Hey..How dare you talk like that ? Chimon is mine and you just came here now . Ooii this guy is there in between my every troubles . " Nanon said shooking his head and was angry about the fact that Perth is snatching everyone from him . Ohm and Chimon tried to Calm Nanon down .

"Shiaa Non.. stop it . Its Perth his boyfriend and you are too drunk . You can't do this ." Ohm said trying to pull back Nanon . Perth got angry and grabbed Nanon's collar too .

"And you self centred and self obsessed guy .. What do you even think . Being a nice with everyone and pretending to be too nice . What do you even think ? " Perth was angry .. And the reason behind his anger was not even sure. 

"What did you said .. you are the Mr. Attitude Photographer and why the hell are you making a show here hah ? :" Nanon said in anger.

"Hey Guyss... relax.. just relax.  I think you guys have a fight on silly things . Perth you are acting too much. " Namtan said trying to make the atmosphere calm .

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