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Pathetic. That's whet I felt when I got panic attack infront of them. I was so embarrassed that even when today I came here I was dreading the moment they will see me. I had even decided not to meet them anymore. Throughout the weeks just to avoid them I stayed in a hotel.

It was Kevin who advised me that it's better to face them instead if running away. But now I was regretting agreeing to him, specially this jersey but when I saw Ashton's reaction I knew. It was good decision though I still feel like it's weird and people are giving looks to it but do I care? No.

It was priceless to see the happiness of whole gangs face when they saw me. I am scared of what they will ask and how would react. I just wish they don't ask anything as I don't think so I am ready to answer their questions .

The whole arena boomed with cheers as white tigers, Ashton's team scored the final winning goal. With that they won the game and stepped closer to the final league.

"Congrats coach " I said to the coach while shaking hands with him. Ashton has forcefully made me sit here with coach. Throughout the match coach kept on giving me knowing smile or more like smirks whenever Ashton looked my way. That man kept on looking my way as if afraid that I will vanish.
Ashton's fangirls must be planning my murder for all the attention I got today. But being an evil person I am I just smirked.

Just as coach had left my hand I was pulled in a bone crashing hug. Not by just one person but the whole gang.
"You seriously know how to make people worry"
"I missed you"
"Are you alright?"
They asked, their voices muffled because of the hug

"Guys move I can't breath" I said with difficulty, trying to wiggle out of their hold
Just from the small space between us I saw Ashton standing behind with a smile on his face.
Relecuently they all pulled back.

"You people almost killed me" I said heaving heavy breaths while chuckling in between
"Never pulls this stunt on us again" Sam said threatening slapping my arm
"Don't you dare ever ghost us" Kris said, for the first time I heard him speaking in such a serious tone

"Okay okay I won't. Promise " I said
"Whatever now that we are meeting after ages, let's have friends time together and ditch this after party " Xander suggested
We all agreed to him

"Oye Rishika...kha thi tu itne dino se" I heard jai
I looked back to see him walking towards us, from the corner of my eyes I saw Ashton rolling his eyes which made me smile
"Just here and there" I said
He suddenly hugged me
"If looks could kill, this to be boyfriend of yours would've murdered me long back with his glares. Mujhe party cahiye agar meri ye ship sail ki " he whispered in my ears

He was pulled back by the back of his jersey by Ashton was looked murderous.
"Arey let me hug my friend properly " jai said taking a step towards me, but he was pulled back again
"Go to lockers room and bath, you stink" Ashton said in icy cold tone
"You people too stink yet hugged her na, let me too" jai said spreading his arms

"Lets go jai, Ash is right" Joe said controlling himself from laughing
"We will be back in short" Kris said before walking away along with Xander
"I too will change my dress and come here, quickly okay" Sam said

Leaving us two standing alone. I looked at Ashton who was already looking at me
"You really played well" I said breaking the awkward silence
He nodded. I noticed his ears turned red as red hue started to spread over his cheeks, he looked down trying to hide his face. Is it that cold here or did he just blushed because of compliment.

"You too go and take shower, I will waiting in parking " I said
I was about to walk away when a soft touch on my hand stopped me. I looked down to see a big gloved hand holding mine.

I looked up to see Ashton stand close to me
"Everything's alright. Right?" Ashton asked stepping forward
"Yeah it is." I said
He hummed
"Okay go now and come quickly " I said

"Okay" he whispered, his gaze fixed on our connected hands
"Go Ashton " I said softly
I lift them up to show him. Letting him get clear view.
"Is something wrong with them?" I asked turning my hands
He shakes his head, and pulls his hand away from mine.

He pulls out his gloves and holds- holds my hands in his again. I looked at him confused. What's cooking in his head.

"Your hands are freezing" he said momentarily .
"Oh yeah I get cold eas-" I stopped mid sentence when he cups my face between his palms. My eyes widen and heart started beating abnormally.
"Your face too" he said stepping closer.
I looked at him dumbfound.

Today from the moment I have seen him. His eyes holds a different sort of warmth. I can feel blood rushing to my cheeks and felt butterflies in my stomach going crazy because of the way he is looking in my eyes.

We are standing so close together but then it rushes. The more I look into his eyes the more guilty I felt. I reassure myself in my head that I am not doing anything that might cause him harm but what about the hurt he will feel when he gets to know what I am.

As if sensing my discomfort he steps back pulling his hands away. Taking away the all the warmth leaving me with a pit of guilt.
I looked around awkwardly.
"Umm you should go and change quickly" I said
He again takes my hands in his but this time he immediately pulls his gloves on them and walks away from there.
I looked down at my hand which now has his gloves on. They are so big on them that they will fall the moment I turn my hand even a little.

I sighed and walked out of arena.


Reaching outside I look at all the crowded side stall. I remembered how I got them here.
Yes, it was me who got these here.
Deans office (ch 6 flashback)
"Ms Rajvansh" dean said
I slightly bowed at him in greeting and take a sit opposite to him.
"Tea or coffee" he asked
"Water will do" I said lifting up the glass on table taking a sip of it.
"So I heard you have something to discuss " he asked
"Yes sir. Actually I have an offer to make that would be probably helpful for both me as well as the college " I said
He nodded
"Okay let's hear that" he said

"I am an freelancer developer and you know how difficult it gets for a student to get work in this field " I said
He hummed
"So, I have thought of a way. There are few companies who are interested in being a part of on-campus hockey league but aren't big enough to be sponsor" I explained

"Okay but you know they can still be a part by setting up stalls outside the arena" he said
"Yes exactly that's what I am asking for but this time it would be a little different " I said
"How?" He asked
"If you give me excess to the college student formus so, those companies who will be selling their products can advertise their products. And also interact with the buyers" I suggested

"But college formus is strictly just for student support not for advertisements" he said
"Yes I know that's why I will install a feature that can make ad invisible if wanted without any hassel" I explained
"Ms Rajvansh your idea sounds good but rules are rules" he said
"Sir the last time formus was updated was 7years ago. And the stuff posted on it is useless so, well I don't think so adding a new feature will be a problem" I said

"That's right but don't you think your way of speaking is somewhat arrogant " he said leaning back on his chair
"Sorry sir. I will tone it down" I said
"Hmm okay but I have a condition " he said
"That is?" I questioned
"You will update the whole site as well" he said
I smiled at him.

"Lets go" I heard multiple voices
We all made our way to our respective cars.
As I wore my seatbelt my cars passenger door opens and Ashton gets inside.
I look at him amazed
"Too tired to drive" he said nonchalantly
I smiled and started the car

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