Chapter 25:Down time

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Ayanokoji POV

It had been an eventful night, I had cried in Kikyou's arms as I finally realised my new flaws, ones that I wished to fix..... but for now, I should try and enjoy my time should I not?

I had woken up late, I had stayed awake late due to last night's events and made my way outside, it was gonna be a day or two before we made it back to the school so all the students decided it was time to enjoy our time here, I like the average teenager I was, agreed to the sentiment.

I freshened up and dressed in some normal clothes, making my way out to the ship as I went up the deck, taking view of the ship as I realised I had been cooped up with Shiina a lot and didn't experience all that this place had to offer

Offering a brief smile to myself, I looked forward to the day that was coming for me, I made my way around, looking for a friend or two of mine to maybe hang out, maybe I could call Suzune or Kikyou, maybe.....

As the thought crossed my mind, I found myself looking at Suzune, she was simply staring off the Yacht as I made my way towards her

"Yo" I greeted with a raise of my arm as she looked at me in surprise

"Kiyotaka? That....."she asked while covering her mouth as I tilted my head in confusion, what was the problem?

"J-just greet me normally, slang like that doesn't suit you" she said with a small laugh behind her hands

"Ah.... Well, how are you doing? We haven't talked much since we got on the Yacht, everything ok?" I asked her as she nodded

"It's been just fine...... I did miss you a lot however" she told me as I nodded

"I can relate...... I missed talking to you to, do you want to hang out with our classmates, it could be fun" I said to her, having a little perk in my voice near the end as she thought about it and was about to answer as-

"Kiyooooooo!! There you are!" Kikyou said as she joint the conversation out of nowhere

"Kikyou! What's up?" My voice unnaturally showed a  bit of emotion as I said her name, greeting her as I asked what she was upto

She giggled at my excitement at seeing her as Suzune...... got a bit of a dark look in her face

"Not much! I see that you woke up! Last Night was so long~" she said, might I add in a weird way as Suzune looked scandalised at that

What is happening. I am not sure if I like this

"W-what!? Kiyotaka! What did you and Kushida do last night!?" She asked in sudden anger as I backed away a bit from her and raised my arms in a "not guilty" manner

"W-we talked..... it was sudden and well, I just needed an ear" I told her as she looked at me in betrayal

"What about me. You couldn't have bothered to talk to me!?" She looked at me with a scandalised look as I back away a bit more, touching the railing of the Yacht

As Suzune looked ready to push me off, I look at Kikyou who was giggling to herself in delight..... did she want this!?

"Yeah~ he even cried in my arms, despite popular belief, Kiyo here has a lot of emotion honestly!" She said with pride that she had seen my vulnerable side as Horikita looked at her with anger, her rage being diverted from me

"Oh Really!? Don't think you are special, he has cried in my arms before as well! And much before you at that!" She said in response as I start to feel uncomfortable

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 05 ⏰

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