Mini chapter: Lies hurt more

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Ayanokoji POV

Just a usual day after our class had our biggest victory yet, we now had 587 class points and when our private points were deposited, we got 58700 points.

Suffice to say, the class was really happy with this outcome and I can understand why. Points weren't as big of an issue anymore

I heard my phone buzz as an unknown contact came to the screen, I picked it up and I heard a certain strawberry haired girl's voice

"A-ah Ayanokoji, it's Ichinose! I got your number from Kushida, sorry for not asking you before she gave it!" She said as I simply asked

"It's alright, what exactly do you need me for?" I asked as she told me

"Please meet me at the back of the school! I have something extremely important to ask of you!" She said as I wondered

What exactly is she planning? That girl is suspicious as all hell with how she approached me yesterday and now this.

I played along and said

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes" I said as I made my way outside, in some pants and a red jacket which had a black shirt inside

I walked outside to the orange light of the dusk shining about the scenery as I took a moment to enjoy the scene, the outside world truly is beautiful.

I walked slowly toward where Ichinose called as I spot her, still in her uniform waiting for me

"Hello, now what exactly do you need help with?" I asked her as she sighed and prepared herself

Is she confessing or something? This seems like something out of an extremely dramatic book

"Please be my fake boyfriend!" She exclaimed as she did a bow and asked me with her eyes closed

Eh I was close enough, now this type of scene would make a book really interesting

"May I ask why? I feel like I'm missing a lot of context here" I said as she sighed and started

"Someone..... is going to confess to me..... I really need you to act as my fake boyfriend so they don't feel that bad!" She said as I sighed

How naive of a way of thinking..... it'll hurt a lot more because me and her aren't true.

"I don't think thi-" I was saying as I heard a blond haired girl say ichinose's name from behind me

"I-Ichinose! W-who is he......" she asked in a sullen tone as Ichinose started saying

"He is my-" she was about to say as I stopped her

"I am just a friend, Ichinose. You're going about this completely wrong." I said as she was taken aback a bit

"I know it's hard to deal with feelings and relationships but..... I don't think you should tell a lie and crush their feelings by invalidating them entirely. Be honest she won't have to live a heartbreak built on a lie and you won't have to live with the fact that you couldn't be honest to her and yourself. I'm sorry that I could not help, I'll be leaving. I hope you both will be alright" I said as I promptly walked away

I sat on a bench a little further away from the place as I saw Chihiro crying a little and walking away as I saw Ichinose walking towards me

"Hey... I wanted to ask Ayanokoji. Why does the truth hurt so much?" Ichinose asked me as I replied immediately

"The truth doesn't always hurt, but when it does, it's necessary. People need to know the true reason to fully and truly be able to move on from the past and grow. It hurts for now but it makes them stronger for the future, so don't worry Ichinose, it'll be alright" I said to her as she nodded, looking down as she sat besides me

"Are...... you happy in your class?" She asked me as I tilted my head

"Yes, why would you ask that?" I asked as she sighed

"No particular reason, you're incredible you know?" She said as I shrugged

"I'm average, no one special" I said as she looked at me straight up and said

"No, you broke a world record. That's already a fear deserving of a lot of recognition. Miss Hoshinomiya told me that you are most likely the reason you class D rose to class C so suddenly. you're incredible Ayanokoji" she said as I sighed

"That's just something I did, all people are incredible in their own right, you aren't any different. A great and smart leader with a lot of charisma, I couldn't hope to be on the level that is the same as yours" I said as she smiled a little

"You're too humble and nice..... I will be frank Ayanokoji, you're brilliant and I feel like even though we have barely interacted, I would like to be your friend" Ichinose said as I thought about it for a second

This is entirely too suspicious, why does she, no miss Hoshinomiya want with me? I feel like Miss Hoshinomiya is trying what Miss Chabashira tried with me before. This is entirely confusing

I guess I'll play along though, it's only more information for me

"Sure, I wouldn't mind that." I said as she smiled

"I'm glad, I hope we can be good friends Ayanokoji!" She said cheerfully

Ichinose is truly a good person but it seems that her intentions aren't as good as her. Is she choosing to get closer to me for the sake of her class? What ideas has Miss Hoshinomiya put in her head?

Or maybe she genuinely just wishes to be my friend, how confusing.

After a bit more chatting, we both split ways. I had a newfound development with class B's Ichinose and it was interesting to say the least

What even is her end goal? I have no clue.

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