Chapter 11: Slight Regrets

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Ayanokoji POV

"Sudo, this is a compound sentence, it has two independent clauses and not an independent and participle one" Horikita explained to Sudo as he listened eagerly, happy at the fact that he was making a lot of progress

We were studying together in a free period due to Mister Sakagami not being well today

Horikita had taken my words of advice two weeks ago to heart, she had made a lot of changes to her attitude and had taken to being more inviting to people. She is teaching effectively and has did well at developing in that regard. I am proud of her.

I look over to the other two as I see that Ike had also learnt and had put in a lot of effort to get better, he has covered the syllabus and is ready for the exam, still motivated to become a catch for women.

As for Yamauchi..... he has taken the lax approach, he isn't trying very hard and hasn't even started with maths. I don't know what he will do in the exam.

I sigh inwardly as I realize that the midterms start in less than 3 days, it seems I should begin the second part of my plan. I give a call to Kikyou

"Hey Kikyou, can you meet me at the cafeteria at break?" I said as Horikita looks at me with murderous eyes

What did Kikyou do to her? did they have a fight?

"Eh!? why're you calling Kushida-chan Ayanokoji!" Ike exclaimed as Yamauchi looked at me in curiosity

"I have a plan that might be what is needed for the class to come first in terms of score. I need Kikyou's help and if I am right, it will be a game changer" I say as the boys nod while Horikita stares at me, trying to hide her unhappiness

"Kiyotaka. Why exactly do you need Kushida's help?" Horikita asked in a chilling voice that would send a shiver down the spines of the other boys

"She is friends with a lot of seniors, I need her help talking to them" I simply explain as the break starts and I grab my bag

"I'll see you all later, take care" I say as Sudo and Ike say it back happily

why is Horikita so upset? I thought she was happy with me making new friends?

as Horikita doesn't reply to me saying take care, I make my way to the cafeteria as I find Kushida waiting for me, she sees me and gives me a genuine smile

"Oi! Kiyo!" Kushida calls out to me, using a childish nickname she gave

In the time me and her have been friends she has been visiting me often in my dorm to either just vent, talk or even just hang out with me. In that time she started calling me a nickname, not that I mind

"Kikyou, I need your help with something" I said as she nodded

"Alright, what do you need my help with? wait! let me guess! maybe it is to get away from the second coming of the devil! Horikita isn't the most fun to hand out with from what I guess!" Kikyou said in her cheerful persona as only I could hear her ruthlessly insult Horikita

"No need to be so mean, come with me, I see a senior eating the vegetable set" I said as she asks

"Why do you want to talk to that senior?" she asks as I shrug

"He obviously doesn't have any points, no one would eat that food willingly until it was the last resort. I need to buy something from him" I said as Kikyou nodded as we made our way to the senior

"Hello, I wanted to talk to you" I said to the senior, he was a little short chubby with a small moustache forming

"Huh, what do you juniors want from me?" he asked as I nodded and said

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