It Must Be Done

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Fatima and Zaya made it home. After helping Zaya with her homework  they had dinner together then Fatima  gave her a bath and put Zaya to bed.

Zaya: Mommy I want to talk with daddy before I go to sleep he normally prays with me 

Fatima: Lets call him to see if he is available 

Phone ringing and ringing no answer 

Fatima: Sorry sweetie daddy must be busy I am sure he will call first thing in the morning. Would you like mommy to pray with you

Zaya: I guess you can 

Fatima looked off like damn I know I ain't ya daddy but you supposed to be my broke bestie 

Zaya said her prayer with her little voice 

Fatima: Amen

Giving Zaya a kiss 

Fatima: Love you sweetie 

Zaya: Night love you 

Fatima turned on the night light and shut the door a little 

Fatima was finally able to shower and relax it has been a long day 

Fatima: I need a fucking vacation where I can lay on the beach and just fuck my husband on the cabana and let the fresh breeze cross my face and sun glisten on my body  

Fatima tried Zac again but his phone went to voicemail again she hadn't talk to him since he left this morning 

What the fuck is he doing to where he not answering the phone, here he go on this bullshit again 

Fatima poured herself a glass of wine and looked through her emails to try to get Zac off her mind


Zac  got to the restaurant early he was ready to get done with this dinner so he could go back to his hotel and relax his phone had died and he didn't bring a spare charger with him 

I know Fatima been blowing up my damn phone I know her ass gone cuss me out when I finally call her back 

For this to be a business dinner Tiffani walked in wearing a red short maxi dress with red lips looking like a hooker 

WTF this gone look like a fucking date 

Tiffani: Hey Mr.Taylor 

Zac: Hello Tiffani reaching out to shake her hand

Tiffani: Don't be so fucking professional this is after hours 

Zac: Is your dad coming behind you 

Tiffani: Oh he didn't tell you he was feeling ill and insisted that we keep the meeting 

Zac: No he didn't tell me but also my phone is dead 

Looks like we already went over everything earlier we can cancel this dinner 

Tiffani: No, I would like to get to know you more Mr.Taylor 

Licking her lips seductively 

My dad sure knows how to find the finest clients I mean the last couple he had lined up were fine as hell 

Zac: I don't mean to be disrespectful but I would like to keep the conversation respectful 

Tiffani: Oh don't be a party pooper rubbing her leg up against his under the table

Zac flagged down the waitress so he could get the check to pay for his drinks he order

Zac: I would like my check please 

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