Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️

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Babe come on we are going to be late for our appointment

Zac: I am coming it's your fault, you wanted some sexy time in the shower.

Fatima: You did too and didn't no one tell you to go from the shower to the bed and do I need to go on

Zac: No I'm gone start cutting you off your pregnancy sex drive is out of this world

Fatima: I know you ain't complaining you were just saying you don't get enough 

Zac: I'm lying that sit to good to be cutting off. I'm coming, we already know it's going to be a girl so what are we even going for

Fatima: Zac we still need to go and you don't know that 

Zac: Yes I do I know my sperm and we are one and it's a girl 

Fatima: Okay just come on I'll be in the car 

We finally made it to the doctors office with 2 minutes to spare

Nurse: Fatima you can come on back 

Nurse: I am going to check your vitals then the doctor will be in. Everything is looking great, I will send then doctor in

Fatima: Thank you

Why are you smiling from ear to ear

Zac: Because I am excited we get to see if baby Taylor is going to be a boy or girl 

Fatima: You showing all your pearly whites 

Zac: I'm just happy 

Fatima: I know you are babe I'm happy too

Doctor: Good morning I see we are here to get the gender for the baby 

Fatima: Yes we are 

Doctor: Alright lets get to it 

The doctor rubbed cream on Fatima's belly. Lets see if the baby will act right so we can get a good look

Zac: Once the baby hear my voice they gone act right, let me know if daddy needs to work his magic 

Doctor: We shouldn't need that but it is good for you to talk to the baby so when the baby comes out they will be familiar with your voices

The babies that are being born now days come out the womb smart like they have been here before

Zac:She's going to be smart just like her mom

Doctor: She?? Lets see if you are right 

Doctor: Alright looking at the screen congratulations you both will be having a little girl 

Zac: YES! I knew it 

Fatima: Our babygirl 

Doctor: Congratulations again to the both of you 

Zac: Thanks again 

The doctor left out the room, 

Fatima: I want to start seeing the Doula so this will be my last appointment with the doctor since I am half way to the finish line.

Zac: I am down with that just make sure I am home for all the appointments I don't want to miss anything 

Fatima: Of course, now I get to buy cute Mommie and me outfits and paint our nails

Zac: I need to start working hard I'm about to be broke 

Fatima: Yup now you got me times two 

Zac: I can handle it lets get you out of here I'm sure you're going to say you're hungry

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