Chapter no.13 Breakfast

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Ash sat down at the breakfast table, which was laid out in the traditional Japanese style.

A steaming pot of rice sat at the center, surrounded by bowls of miso soup that wafted a comforting aroma throughout the room.

Next to them were plates of grilled fish, their skin glistening under the morning light, easily flaking away with the touch of a fork, revealing the tender meat inside.

An assortment of pickles in vibrant greens, yellows, and reds provided a sharp contrast, both in color and taste, to the meal.

And then there were the softly scrambled eggs, cooked to a silky perfection, slightly runny and inviting.

It was a breakfast that promised a wholesome start to the day, yet Ash's mind was elsewhere.

However, a pang of discomfort unsettled Ash as he observed the spread.

He recognized the fish as Magikarp, a Pokémon.

This revelation jolted him; in the Pokémon world, it seemed, people ate Pokémon.

He knew, logically, there weren't animals from Earth here, but the reality of it felt starkly different from understanding it abstractly.

Ash, or Peter Asher, had never hesitated before when it came to eating meat.

The sight of a steak or the smell of grilled chicken never bothered him; if anything, it made him look forward to meal times. However, as he sat before the breakfast spread, his stomach knotted at the thought of consuming Pokémon.

He grasped his chopsticks with an unusual precision, a stark contrast to his normal clumsiness, as if his body was trying to distract him from the turmoil brewing in his mind.

The idea of eating Pokémon was viscerally repugnant to him, a reaction he couldn't fully explain.

Perhaps it was because, on Earth, Pokémon were creatures of fantasy, beings he had partnered with in video games and watched in shows, fighting by his side.

Or maybe, it was the thought of eating something akin to his partner, Abra, which unsettled him deeply.

In his mind, there was no difference between them; they were all Pokémon, creatures with whom he could form a bond, not dishes to be served at breakfast.

To Ash, the distinction between species that was so clear-cut on Earth seemed blurred in this world.

People avoided eating cats and dogs back home, considering them pets rather than food, yet they consumed chicken and beef without a second thought.

But here, in a world where Pokémon filled the roles of both companions and wildlife, the line between what was considered food and friend was disconcertingly vague. Despite understanding the logic—that Pokémon might be viewed by others as just another source of sustenance—the very thought of it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

As Delia and Daisy were lost in their animated discussion about their favourite TV show "Paradise Lost," a noticeable shift in Ash's demeanor caught Delia's eye, immediately dampening her enthusiasm. Her maternal instincts kicking in, she turned towards her son with a look of concern. "Sweety, what's wrong?!" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

"I don't feel like eating... a Pokémon," Ash whispered, his gaze fixed on the fried Magikarp in front of him. His stomach twisted at the thought, the unease clear in his voice.

At Ash's admission, Delia and Daisy exchanged a glance, unsure of how to respond.

Yellow, ever supportive, placed a comforting hand on Ash, trying to offer solace without words.

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