"I am." I replied as I continued to walk.
"Why do you ask?"

"I know, what happened with my brother and what happened with you, what you did-" I stopped walking, and he did the same.

"What I did?" I asked, looking him in the eye, and he matched my energy, challenging me with his eyes.

"Yes, what you did. I'm very sure you don't want him finding out the real reason half of Oridian is bad." He said.

"Is that a threat, Rhys?"

"Yes." He said, and I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. He was joking. For his sake, it must've been a joke.

"I need to visit Keegan before Mizuki wakes up."

"Let's do that then." Rhys said and disappeared. I think he did that more than he actually walked. I've known him for a long time, and I've never seen him take more than ten steps at a time.

He's lucky that he was born with the ability for some unknown reason.

I teleported to Thanatos to the throne room, to be exact.

In the centre of the room, Keegan stood, with his arms folded staring at Rhys, who sat in the stone throne.

"You need to get some more seats in this place. Where will you guys sit?" he asked, looking at us.

"I'll stand, thank you." Keegan said, turning to face me. "I'm assuming this is what you came to ask about." He lifted a syringe with a yellowish liquid inside, and I looked from it to him.

Smart man.

"It's a plant, along with some other things. This was used to keep him calm so they could see what was going to be the outcome of his pregnancy. They made him inhale a mixture of this and another so he could be there and in the club at the same time." He explained.

"Do you know what those testings were for?" I asked him, and he scrunched his face up and then shook his head.

"No, but I did hear the man say something about something unusual. There are 4 different essences? Or was it 3? I didn't quite get that."

3 essences? I'm sure it was another word, but he couldn't remember. It could mean he was going to have more than one pup. It was not unnatural for an omega to have more than one, It was strange when they had one.

"Okay, you said the man? Who is that?" I asked him.

"I'll let you get him."

"Lovely, let's do this swiftly. She's going to be on to you soon." I said.

"Right, and we don't want that now, do we?" Rhys asked as he passed Keegan , his voice dropping a few octaves and looking into his eyes.

Keegan met his eyes, and Rhys's eyes flickered between them until they dropped down, then back up again, but he quickly looked away.

I said nothing and returned back to Oridian to check if Mizuki was awake and alright. I hope he hadn't seen his hair yet. I want to be there for that. I was excited, but at the same time, the quilt was edged somewhere in that excitement.

Unlocking his door, I saw that he was still fast asleep. He wasn't snuggled up in the bed, but now he was sprawled out almost resembling a star fish.

I should wake him. He hasn't eaten. Wondering on the matter for a moment, I then decided that it was best that I woke him and made sure he ate something before we had more problems than we could manage.

Walking over to the bed, I sat on the edge, the matters dipping slightly under my weight.

I stared down at the omega, looking at the way his eyelashes were so long, and now that they were black, I could see the full length. Maybe it was the black hair that was bringing out so many features I've never taken notice of before. His lips look rosier than they did before.

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