One problem solved, another came in its place

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"That's quite a yawn, Ayanokouji-Kun."

"Huh? Uhh... I couldn't sleep well last night."

As I was on my way to the school, Hirata suddenly crept up from behind me, his hair appearing somewhat dishevelled. I was pretty sure I was by myself when I walked out of the elevator moments ago, so I assumed that he probably chased after me.

Today's the first of June. Within the blink of an eye, two months had elapsed. It is worth noting that thus far, everything has been smooth sailing, at least from my perspective. Though I have to admit that, despite being here for two months already, it still feels surreal to me. I mean, just think about it: you've been accustomed to your name for nearly two decades, and then suddenly, everyone is addressing you by a different name.

"How are you managing so far, Hirata?" I couldn't handle the sudden awkward silence, so I decided to check up on him.

"Although the past month had been challenging, I still had a lot of fun, even during the study sessions."

"Although that's great to hear, that's not what I meant. I'm talking about your private points."

When the midterm results were released, Sudou had received a failing grade and was about to face expulsion from the school. However, that changed when Horikita suggested the idea of buying the test scores. Of course, it came with an outlandish price tag of a hundred thousand points. The fact that almost everyone was on the brink of poverty didn't help.

Ultimately, only a handful of students gathered and accumulated enough points to afford the test score. Of course, as expected, Hirata was one of them.

"If I'm being honest, it's not looking too good. But I'll manage. Though, I must say, I'm glad Horikita-San came up with that idea."

If I remember correctly, in the light novel, both Hirata and Horikita argued with Chabashira-sensei for Sudou's sake. Of course, neither of them couldn't come up with the idea of purchasing a test score. 

"For what it is worth, if you ever need any help, you can count on me. I still have some points left to spare."

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-Kun. That's really thoughtful of you, but that won't be necessary."

So far, Hirata has been a good friend. I wouldn't mind lending him a helping hand if he ever needed it.

Though I must say that due to the past month's incident, there seems to be a rift in my friendship with Hirata. His lack of free time means we barely hung out, and the fact that I rejected helping him with his study session might have changed his opinion of me. I could be wrong, though. Maybe I'm simply overanalyzing the situation.

Speaking of friends, I must say that thus far, I have thoroughly and utterly failed at making one. Close friends, I meant. Looking back at the past two months, I spent most of my free time alone.

At first, I had thought of approaching some members of the Ayanokouji Group. Unfortunately, our personalities don't quite mesh with each other. So, I threw the thought of it out the window.

The three idiots also came to mind. If I'm being honest, I think it's fun to be perverted at times as well. Not all the time, though. Too bad; I can't stand having to deal with Yamauchi. There's just something about his face that's really punchable. For assurance purposes, though, I still kept in contact with them.

On the other hand, I thought that being close friends with Hirata wouldn't be that bad. Yet, the attention he constantly garnered threw me off a bit. Not to mention that being close friends with him would be impossible until he disclosed his past.

Did I Just Get Reincarnated in ANHS as Ayanakouji Kiyotaka?Where stories live. Discover now