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Hey there! Yes, you, the one who is reading this. Have you ever sat down and thought to yourself: Had I been a bit more mature, I wonder what could have been done, or if I could do it all again, I wonder what I would change?

I'm sure everyone has. It is not exactly a rare topic. As a matter of fact, such thoughts stem from regret, which I believe no human being can avoid having, even for an avid practitioner of stoicism. The only rare exception to such cases would be monks, which are a dying breed in these days and age.

Getting back to the initial topic, I'm sure that as we grow older and more mature, the things that we wish we had done will change. To illustrate, during my years of attending junior high, all I had ever wished for was to change my demeanour and focus on my studies more prior to my final exam in elementary school. However, during my final year of high school, my regret dissipated and was replaced by another.

Currently, I am a degree student who struggles to fit in. Prior to enrolling in this university, I had thought that I would be surrounded by mature and intelligent people. I could not have been more wrong. The truth is, most college students are smart only on paper. I don't mean it as an insult or as if I'm looking down on others. Perhaps I myself am not an exception to it.

Whenever I look at the interactions between my peers, it is as if I'm stuck in high school still, minus all the fun. Not to mention, some of these people are older than others, yet they act like a bunch of brats. I once had a classmate who was 27 at the time. One would think that she would at least act her age, yet she was quite literally a troublemaker. 

Truth be told though, right now, there really isn't anything that I wish to change in the past. Rather, I'd like to focus on my future going forward. My high school life, although full of ups and downs, can be described by one word: fulfilling. The memories that my friend group and I have made are still resonating deeply in my heart. 

Which is why my greatest wish right now is to relive my high school life again. I guess you could say that wish has been granted, at least partially. Let me tell my story and the reason why I am in front of this school right now.

Earlier this morning, I was walking down the sidewalk after buying some bread from a bakery in town when suddenly, the sky started downpouring heavily. To make matters worse, I had forgotten to buy a new umbrella. My last one is broken because I couldn't open it properly and I lost my temper, so I broke it in half. I guess I reap what I sow.

Stopping in front of a nearby store, I took shelter under its eaves. As I was pulling out my phone to make a phone call, however, I began hearing ruffling noises in the nearby alley. However, the heavy rain was making it gradually harder for me to pick up any more noise.

At first, I thought that it was most likely rats, rushing yet struggling to find a shelter. However, my instinct was telling me to check on the source of the noise. Reluctantly, I walk down the alley as the rainwater begins to soak me wet. This better be worth it.

As I'm approaching an intersection in the alley, however, the noises begin to sound clearer. Instinctively, I hid behind the corner.

"Scream as loud as you want, bitch; no one's going to hear you."

I peeked around the corner, and what I saw was a man pinning down a young lady around my age. She was being pinned to the ground. The girl was screaming at the top of her throat, and yet, under the heavy downpour of rain, it amounted to nothing. It was clear what his intention towards her was.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text written 'call the cops to this location', followed by sending him my live location. I have no idea whether he is going to read it immediately or not. Right now, there is a bigger problem at hand. I rushed into action immediately.

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