Finally, Some Actions

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Two weeks into the month of May, a lot occurred in the meantime. To start, Hirata over there had decided to start a study group session after the end of class. At first, he had asked for my assistance, but I softly rejected it. I told him that I needed to focus on my own studies first before helping others, but in truth, I've been playing Mortal Combat and Minecraft non-stop. Without even realising it, I've turned into somewhat of a shut-in.

Words can't describe how grateful I am for that goddess who gave me all of Kiyotaka's abilities, including his body. Had I simply been transported into this world with my own body and abilities, I don't think I would have been able to laze around like this. Having to study these subjects all over again—the simple notion of that makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

Oh, then, there is Horikita, who has been constantly asking me to help her in regards to her study session. She was concerned regarding the three idiots who rejected Hirata's offer to study together. Unfortunately, her ego and pride are too inflated to the point that she refuses to personally invite them to her study session.

Unlike in the novel, where the study session commences on the first week of May, this time around,  I had been refusing to lend her a helping hand. At first, she was fine with it and simply tried asking for my cooperation again the next day. However, her desperation gradually grew as time went on, and now that we only have two weeks left before the midterm, her desperation was evident.

That being said, right now is one of those moments. Moments where she tried asking for my cooperation, that is.

"Ayanokouji-kun, please... If you don't do it, those three might really get expelled."

Although it sounded like she was concerned for those three, in truth, she was actually concerned about another possibility. A possibility that the school might punish the class with 'negative points' if someone were to fail and be expelled from the school. For someone who is dead set on reaching class A, that is a huge no-no.

"I'm sorry, but are you my friend?" Of course, I won't relent until she agrees to my terms and conditions.

"...No" Her voice was strained. Ah, it's funny to see her in this state.

"Then, I won't help."

As I stood up from my seat, Horikita grabbed a hold on my wrist, halting me to a stop.

"Fine... I'll be your friend. So please help me just this once." It seems she managed to swallow her pride somehow.

"Very well, but we'll do things my way. If you disagree, then I won't lend you any help."

"Tell me what you are planning first." Although she tried to maintain her usual tone, her voice kept breaking. I won't lie, I felt quite bad for teasing her this much.

"In order to guarantee success, Kushida's assistance is necessary."

"Absolutely not. I don't want to have anything to do with Kushida-san."

"I'm sure you realised it too, right? That only through Kushida will those three actually try to study."

"Tch." She clicked her tongue.

Horikita is no idiot. Had it not been for her pride, she would've most likely asked for Kushida's help before mine.

"...Fine. But make sure that Kushida herself won't participate in the study session."

"I can't guarantee that. If we are asking for her help, I'm sure she'd want something in return."

Her facial expression turned into one of anguish. Today alone, she had to swallow her pride numerous times.

Did I Just Get Reincarnated in ANHS as Ayanakouji Kiyotaka?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora