Midterm and its Aftermath

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It was nearly the end of May. Despite their efforts, everyone was nonetheless anxious in regards to their midterm test results, but with the risk of expulsion at hand, such a reaction was only to be expected.

As Chabashira-sensei entered the room, the anxiety and tension grew far more intense. Even Horikita, who is normally calm and composed, grew a bit fidgety. Hirata looked as if he were about to say something, but Chabashira-sensei cut him off and spoke before he could.

"Before we began, I must say, I'm honestly impressed."

Those were the first words she spoke, yet they had a tremendous impact on everyone. For some, it gave them a sense of relief, while for most, they grew even more anxious. Not only was there a fear of expulsion, they were also afraid of being left behind by their peers.

It is no secret that the examination result could affect one's standing in the class. To illustrate, people like Sudou, who often score low on tests like these, are often looked down upon.

Chabashira-sensei then stuck the paper she had been holding on the board, revealing everyone's scores.

Everyone began scrutinising the paper, scanning for their names, and not long after that, cheers began reverberating throughout the whole room. More than half the class had managed to achieve a perfect score on every single subject. Even Horikita, who had been silent up until now, released a huge sigh of relief.

"You still haven't explained to me how you did it." Now that one of her worries is gone, she turned her attention to me.

"You saw what happened with your own eyes, right? I had nothing to do with it."

"I refused to believe that. I'm certain that you had something to do with it. I doubt Kushida could've gotten it by herself. She's not someone who could think up of an idea like that."

Despite my feigning innocence, Horikita was adamant that I was the one behind the class' success.

In order for me to explain everything, we must first go back in time.

Three days prior to the exam. The day was, for the lack of a better word, hectic. Everyone had been restless regarding their midterm test results. Even though they had put in a substantial amount of effort into their studies, doubts were still running rampant in their minds.

First, there is Hirata and his study group. Apparently, they have decided on increasing the workload and extending their study session just for this week. Looking at him from afar, I couldn't help but feel bad for him. The man had been restless, helping everyone as much as possible to the brink of exhaustion.

Then there is Horikita, who, with the help of Kushida, had managed to somewhat tutor the three idiots. Despite their idiocy, she tolerated everything and diligently tutored them to the best of her abilities.

Of course, this alone wouldn't have been nearly enough to guarantee a perfect score for more than a quarter of the class. That's where I come in.

As I was lazing around, doing nothing in particular, the bell rang, signalling the end of class for today. I packed my stuff and left the classroom, heading to a particular room. (Cookies for anyone who guessed what room it is specifically.)

As I knocked on the door, however, there was no response coming from inside. I was expecting this to happen though, given that classes had just ended by then after all.

Waiting by the side of the corridor, it wasn't long before I heard footsteps that gradually became louder. Looking to the side, a particularly short person came into my line of sight.

"Hmmm? I don't think we have any appointments with anyone for today."

That person, Tachibana-senpai, spoke those words as she stared at me curiously. Of course, I didn't book any appointments with the student council and came there uninvited.

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