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Icurus started to move his arm away from Edward. "I should get going..."

Edward pouted in response. "Why the hurry?"

"You know, I should check on Xavier..." Icurus explained.

Edward stood up and took Icurus's hand. "Well, it's nearly lunchtime. I should meet up with the others soon. You should come too - I'm pretty sure Xavier is with them already."

Icurus scoffed with a smirk. "And how would you know?"

"Oh, we have Shattered Visiolens crystals placed all over the castle," Edward stated matter-of-factly. Seeing Icurus's confused expression, he explained further, "Basically, anyone who has a piece of the crystal can see and sense the locations of the other crystals." He took out a small, lavender-coloured shard and tapped it with his finger. It began to glow green, as did Edward's left eye. "I can see them in the library now. Xavier is there with Kovu and Eden."

"Ah, that explains why you don't have many guards around here," Icurus remarked.

Edward chuckled. "Oh yes, that, and the fact that my mother, siblings, and I can all turn into dragons on command."

"Right..." Icurus shook his head. "I knew that."

Edward grabbed his hand eagerly. "Come on! We should go to the library."

He dragged Icurus behind him, forcing him to sprint down the corridors. Tall windows let in afternoon light as they passed, casting their shadows on the high walls.

Edward came to an abrupt stop in front of the library doors. "We're here!"

They entered the room, immediately spotting Eden sitting on a shelf and Xavier on a table. Kovu sat in a chair with a book open before him.

"What are you guys doing?" Icurus asked, concerned.

Eden grinned. "I'm an elf on a shelf!"

"And I'm mentally unstable on a table," Xavier added, getting up.

"And I chose to be normal..." Kovu muttered, lifting his head to look at them.

"Seriously, Eden?" Edward said blankly. "Frostley Wisper was months ago!"

Eden pouted. "But I love that holiday... Can someone help me get down?"

"I love that holiday too - for me, it's still going!" Levina called over from the second-story balcony. "Blisworth! Get Eden down from the bookshelf!" She motioned to the same large boy with cracked grey skin and shaggy dark brown hair. His light yellow eyes looked up at her command.

Blisworth lumbered to the edge of the balcony, careful not to break the floor under his massive weight. The half-giant lowered his hand and poked Eden's shoulder to get her attention. She grabbed on and he hoisted her up next to him.

"Thanks, Blisworth!" Eden said, kissing his hand. He blushed in response.

Xavier nudged Edward and whispered, "Is Blisworth a half-giant?"

"I am," Blisworth's voice boomed through the library. He quickly put a hand over his mouth and whispered, "Sorry...that was too loud."

Levina patted his arm reassuringly. "It's okay."

"My father is a giant and my mother is human..." Blisworth explained softly.

Xavier still looked perplexed. He glanced around for more information. "How did his parents...you know..." He made a vague hand gesture.

Blisworth tilted his head innocently. "What did my parents do?"

Edward clapped his hands together. "Okay! Who's hungry? We should get lunch."

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