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"Merce? I'm home" Callie's voice rang through the apartment while Mercy was researching and writing in her notebook. George hadn't reappeared since he left to see how far he could get, and Mark had miraculously left her alone, so it had just been Mercy for most of the afternoon.

She shut her laptop and made her way into the living room. "Hey mom, how was work?"

"Ugh, long. I'd have much rather called in sick and spent the day here with you. How was your day?" Callie asked as she collapsed on the couch.

"Boring. I mostly studied and ate food"

"Aww baby. Are you feeling better? You didn't look so hot this morning" Callie asked, feeling Mercy's forehead after Mercy sat next to her.

"I feel fine now, I'll be fine to go to school tomorrow"

"Only if you're sure. I feel bad about leaving you alone all weekend while I'm in LA"

Mercy shrugged. "I'll stay out of trouble, don't worry"

"I'm not worried about that" Callie said, prompting Mercy to look at her a certain way. Callie chuckled in response. "Okay, I'm not just worried about that. I'm worried about you being on your own. You seemed off this morning"

"I'll be fine, mom. Besides, you'll still be in town if I cause trouble on Friday and then you're home Sunday before I have to go back to school. I'll sit around the house, miss Sofia, and watch tv. Like a normal teenager"

"Still, I'd feel better if I could get you to stay with someone. Even if it is with Arizona, so at least you're around Sofia" Callie suggested.

"You already know I don't want to go stay at her house. I barely know her, even if she is my sister's other mom"

Callie sighed and put her arm around Mercy's shoulder. "Okay, that's a fair point. Maybe I can ask Mer to check in on you every once in a while?"

Knowing that Callie wasn't going to be satisfied until she felt she had some control, Mercy nodded. "Sure mom, that sounds good"

"Great! I'm sure she'll be happy to stop by and make sure you haven't turned the place into a toxic waste dump. That being said, should we get some pizza and wash trashy tv?"

Mercy chuckled. "That sounds even better"

As the evening wore on, Mercy was glad to have this time with Callie. Sure, Callie was only gone for two nights, and Mercy was used to sleeping in the apartment alone when Callie would work an on-call shift. But this week had really gotten to Mercy, and it was moments like these that she was reminded she wasn't alone in the world. That for the foreseeable future, she wouldn't have to rely on two grown men ghosts for company.

Matter of fact, Mercy managed to forget all about George and Mark for the time being. Instead, she and Callie ate more pizza than they needed and laughed at whatever awful reality show they were watching on MTV. It got to the point where they both had tears in their eyes, wiping them away as the show ended.

"God, that's so awful!" Mercy commented.

"That's what makes it so binge-worthy. It's so awful, it's good" Callie agreed, checking her phone. "Yikes, it's already past 10"

"Yeah, I should go to bed if I'm going to school tomorrow. I'll be much better if I'm well rested and not tardy"

Callie laughed, packing up the leftover pizza and carrying it into the kitchen. "That's not a bad call, Merce. I don't start work until 9 so I can give you a ride if you play your cards right"

"If I'm not up by 7, wake me" Mercy said, Callie pulling her in for a hug.

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning"

Ghosts of Grey SloanWhere stories live. Discover now