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"So, what's the verdict? What have you discovered after I left you alone for a day?" Mark's voice came while Mercy was on her computer.

"I've got some research, but a single day is not as great of a gift as you think it is. I need more time"

Mark sighed. "I know, and I'm sorry. But think about it from my perspective. There were 30 days of people all around me, coming in and talking to me I'm sure. Those were the moments they would have said all the nice things about me. Those were the moments Callie would have brought Sofia in to sit with me. I have no memory of that time, alive or dead. And then I wake up and I'm stuck in that room for nearly three years, watching the hospital go on around me. Then I meet you and I'm free. But if I've been in there for that long, and if Lexie really is the next piece of the puzzle, then I can't shake the thought of her being in the woods for that long, all alone. I didn't mean to rush you, but you're kind of a few years late to the party in the first place"

"I get it Mark, I do. But I'm sorry. I'm just a teenager and had no clue any of this was about to happen. I don't have my driver's licence, I don't have people super close to me I can trust with this. I just have me, and you both. It's not exactly a budding pool of resources"

Mark smiled and sat on the bed. "Yeah, I know. I think once you figure out a way to get to see Derek, this whole thing will get a hell of a lot easier."

"Yeah, he either finds a tumour in my head or I have to work like hell to convince him you two are real. I don't know which is gonna be harder to handle" Mercy said with a snicker.

"He'll believe you, Mercy. We'll make him believe you"

"I hope so." Mercy stretched and stood, having been sat at the computer for hours. "I need food"

Making her way into the kitchen, she began to prepare a quick snack for herself. She thought about cooking dinner for when Callie got home, but then remembered the pizza suggestion. As she sat at the breakfast bar, her eye caught the calendar Callie had in the living room. Though Callie wouldn't necessarily be considered a forgetful person, the demands of being the chief of ortho at the hospital meant she was prone to forgetting things every so often.

Two days this weekend were blocked out for Callie to go to LA and speak at a medical conference. She was trusting Mercy home by herself seeing as it was the weekend and Callie wouldn't have to worry about Mercy getting into trouble at school while she wasn't in Seattle.

"Great, right when I really need her and she's leaving for the weekend" Mercy muttered as she ate her sandwich. Focusing on the calendar, Mercy dropped her sandwich in shock. "Holy shit! She's leaving for the weekend"

"What was that?" Mark asked, both the men appearing in the kitchen, looking across the breakfast bar at Mercy.

"Callie, she's going away this weekend for LA. She leaves Friday night and gets home Sunday afternoon! She's gone for at least an entire day"

"And we're yelling about this because?" George asked.

"Because it means Mercy can get to the hospital and talk to Derek without Callie finding out" Mark supplied, looking at Mercy, who nodded.

"If he won't scan my brain for a possible tumour, he'll have to believe me about the ghosts"

George snorted. "Yeah that or commit you to psych"

"Please, the only people who know more about Derek Shepherd than me are Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd. I'll convince him." Mark said.

"We can't make any plans for this, I'll be at too much risk of tripping up and ruining it all in front of my mom, okay?" Mercy said. Mark looked at her.

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