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"Mercy? Merce? Jesus kid, are you sick?" Callie's voice came. Mercy weakly opened her eyes.

"Mmm, what time is it?" Mercy mumbled.

"Almost 7:30" Came Callie's answer.

Mercy yawned. "Oh, you're home way earlier than I thought you would be."

"Mercy, it's 7:30 in the morning."

If opening eyelids fast was a weapon then Mercy would have just annihilated an entire continent. "What?"

"You were fast asleep when I came in last night, what time did you go to bed?"

"Not long after I got here, I had a bad headache and weird dreams"

Callie pouted and put her hand to Mercy's forehead. "Are you feeling okay now? You can have the day off if you want? Otherwise, you have about ten more minutes before driving you to school is impossible"

"I might take a day off. Do you have to work today?" Mercy asked, Callie nodding with a sigh.

"I do, so you'll be here alone I'm afraid. I can call in too if you want to have someone here?"

"No, it's okay. I might get some more sleep, I haven't been sleeping well lately. Minus last night apparently"

Callie sighed and pressed a kiss to Mercy's forehead. "Okay mini-Torres, I'll call the school and you just relax. I'll try get away early today so we can hang out tonight, okay?"

"Sounds good, thanks mom"

Callie smiled at Mercy then left the room. Mercy sighed and rested her head back down. Her head was still spinning after the mess that was yesterday.

"So, how do we get to Idaho?"

Mercy sat up, quickly slamming her own hands over her mouth to avoid screaming so loud Callie ran back in. Mark and George were standing in front of her.

"What the hell are you two still doing here?" Mercy hissed. The men shared a look and shrugged.

"We don't just 'go away', Mercy" Mark said.

George nodded. "Yeah, there's something bigger here. And we don't know what it is but until it's done, we can't leave"

"And you think it's finding Lexie?" Mercy asked Mark, who nodded.

"I do. She's the only other Seattle Grace doctor I can think of who has died recently"

"What about Ellis Grey?" George asked.

"Lexie's mother?" Mercy asked, both men shaking their heads.

"No, Meredith's mother. Lexie and Mer shared the same dad but had different moms." George said.

"Mercy's been in that hospital enough, she would have seen Ellis before she saw either of us. She didn't die in the OR, or in the ICU, just in a regular post-op room. She's probably seen them all" Mark protested. "And I don't know why I know it's Lexie, I just know it is"

"I think I need to make an appointment with Derek Shepherd" Mercy muttered.

"We're not a tumour, Mercy" Mark said.

"We might be, I mean Izzie was having all these hallucinations of Denny before realising she had cancer, and then again when she had the tumour. We could be a tumour" George said.

"If we were a tumour, O'Malley, then we wouldn't have been trapped for years in the same rooms we died in."

George shrugged. "Was just a thought"

"Merce? I'm heading to work now. Are you going to be okay?" Callie's voice came as she opened the door. Mercy nodded.

"I think so, see ya mom"

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