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"What-" Mercy began, Callie turning to look at her. "-are you thinking for dinner?"

Phew, that was close. 

Callie shrugged and began walking out again as Mercy sent a glare in George's direction.

"I don't know, maybe pizza? I'm not in the mood to cook" Callie said, just as her pager beeped. "Oh, shoot! Sorry Merce, I might have to work late. Open femur fracture just came in downstairs in the ER. I'll take you back to the attending's lounge, but you might have to head home and order some pizza without me"

"That's okay" Mercy said, actually grateful for the chance to talk to George without Callie thinking she was crazy. "I don't mind"

Callie smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of Mercy's head. "You're a sweet girl. Get changed and go straight home, no hanging around the hospital!"

"Got it, I'll see you later"

Mercy made tracks for the lounge and quickly got changed in the bathroom, walking out to find George wandering around and looking at everything with wide eyes. "Man, I'd have given anything to have this."

"Focus, George! You said 'go to ICU', why?"

George turned back to Mercy and shrugged. "Couldn't tell you. Just knew to say it when I finally stepped out of that OR"

"I can't wander around here. I'll be grounded."

"We're right by the ICU, just go. You'll know what you're looking for when you get there"

"Looking for?" Mercy groaned. "Another ghost?"

"I really don't know, I just say what I need to say. I don't know what it all means." He said with a shrug. Mercy rolled her eyes and began walking towards the ICU, trying not to get caught. "Man, they really spruced this place up in the last five years"

"Yeah, they had to after the shooting and the plane crash"

George whipped his head around to look at Mercy. "Oh my god!"

"Shoot forgot you've been dead for some time. Yeah, there was a shooter here about a year after you died, then some of the doctors were in a plane crash. A couple of them died, I'm not sure if you knew them while you were here"

"Who died?" George wanted to know. Mercy had heard all about this from Callie seeing as she was best friends with one of the doctors who died.

"Uh, Mark Sloan was one, did you work with him?"

George nodded. "A little. Who else?"

"The other was Meredith Grey's younger sister, Lexie"

"Shoot, Lexie? Really? We were friends. We even lived together before I died."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think about what you'd missed while being stuck there so long"

George shrugged. "I mean, you learn to take in information and do with it what you can. And at the rate the doctors' gossip around here, I learned a lot. It's how I knew about you, your first surgery was in OR 3. And the next time Callie was operating in there, she said she'd taken you in"

"What else did you learn?"

"Well, I figured Mark and Lexie had left the hospital. I saw them a few times a week, then nothing for the last two years. I didn't know they were dead, it's not the thing people bring up in the OR. But now that you mention it, I did know about the shooting and the plane crash. I'd just forgotten about it after a few years I guess"

Mercy was still wandering around the ICU, probably dangerously close to being told off. "What am I looking for, anyway?"

"Well, you just told me Mark's dead and I'm looking at him through that window. So, you tell me" George pointed ahead into a room in the ICU. The room was empty except for a man standing. He was looking right through the window at both Mercy and George, a stern look painted on his face.

Ghosts of Grey SloanWhere stories live. Discover now