Escape plan

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I was tapping my finger angrily on the desk beside the bed. I had tried every way to get out of here. I had been stuck here for two days, Andit was driving me mad.

Then I thought about the window but when I  saw the height I was brave but not that brave but did I really want to be stuck here it was obvious I wasn't welcomed here so why...

My trail of thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door  I had an answer to my unanswered question no I didn't, giving Kaden one last look I jumped he shouted my name I fell onto the ground with a loud thud. a bundle of hay breaking my fall, but I am very sure I have broken ribs.

I had no time to think. I barely heard Kaden's voice "if its a race you want, then a race you shall have." I kept running, and I was surprised to see he wasn't following me.

I kept running but it was all trees I felt I was running in circles it was already almost dark but I kept running when I could see a road I got yanked into a study chest which I knew very well to be Kaden, not so fast princess.

Shit! I was so close to freedom that I kept thrashing in his hands he tried holding me to stay, but my body refused to cooperate , and all I saw was blackness.

I woke up everywhere was blurry. I heard voices in the room. The first one was Kaden, and then the second was possibly a doctor.

Why the hell isn't she waking up shouldn't you administer more drugs to her or put her on drip anything for her to wake up he shouted at the doctor who was shivering in fright I decided to stop all this leave him alone Kaden.

Immediately, Kaden head snapped so fast that you thought it would break he rushed to the bed and checked my temperature. Do you need anything? water, anything.

I am at your service he said this was weird, and why was Kaden being nice? Instead of answering his questions, I asked him some of mine.

Why am i in the hospital I asked well Kaden said scratching his head he looked kinda cute stop Hailey bad Hailey I cautioned myself sorry you were saying I said you were having a panic attack when I found you

So I tried to put you to sleep but you fell and hit your head why do I feel like that isn't what happened if that were true my head was supposed to be hurting not just my limbs I narrowed my eyes really then he said yes with anger

Oh, goodie devil Kaden was back. I missed home. I missed my grandparents they probably be worried sick 

I was going to try. I must escape the hellhole, but first, I needed sleep. I looked everywhere, but Kaden was nowhere to be found. I guess he must have left in a burst of anger.

I turned sideways with a new profound determination to get out of this hellhole
And with that thought, I welcomed the darkness

I woke up to two people shouting no offence alpha but she can't stay here she is a threat to everyone I wondered who they were talking about the prophecy itself told us and beside alpha the humans are looking for her it could cause a problem...

He was cut short by Kaden, who said I am the alpha this is my pack alpha, and what in the world were they saying, maybe some type of code?

But sure, did Kaden sound mad, but it was hot. What was wrong with me
No, I was getting a case of Stockholm syndrome

Then I realized they weren't talking anymore they were looking at me shit I got caught. I just smiled awkward

I decided to play dumb what are you guys talking about they let out a sigh of relief the other guy who I hadn't seen before he had black hair and blue eyes he had a built body like Kaden did I end up on a handsome man planet if yes I never want to leave.

kidnapped by my alpha mateWhere stories live. Discover now