Getting kidnapped ?

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Hailey pov

As I woke up, I stretched looking at the blanket, which wasn't the one my grandma got me. I looked around the whole room. I was in the hospital. What?

I was about to stand up, but I found my hand an IV drip. I was about to yank it out when Kaden came and held my hand, preventing me from reaching with my other hand to remove it.

I noticed something that Kaden wasn't nice. Kaden, who looked at me as if I was something as if I had mattered right now he looked emotionless. as if he couldn't wait to get rid of me.

That's all I needed to know. I wasn't wanted here. I was a burden to them. I tried to tell him I was fine, but all that came bck it was a painful croak he passed me a cup of water,so much better.

I could now speak. Umm, how did I get here? Then it came rushing back what I did, I understand why he didn't look at me he was probably disgusted it hurts so much for what reason I didn't know why

I cleared my throat and asked how long I had been unconscious, but he just chose to ignore me.

I was so hurt that I couldn't hide it,
Was he that disgusted by me I couldn't blame him I was disgusted by myself, I mean I freaking declared rights over a stranger I have never met it was like a primal side and when she touched him all I could see was red I wanted to tear her apart and have her blood on my hands.

I was suddenly jerked out out of my thoughts when I realized I wasn't the only one here and looked up just to see Kaden's slightly outstretched hand but as fast as lightening he removed it and his eyes turned once again cold.

I lifted my eyes and said I wanted to go home but he merely looked at me and came closer my breath hitched at the close contact before I knew it dots clouded my vision and I was swept into the land of unconscious but not before hearing You can never go home.

I woke up with a splitting headache. What the hell happened, then I remembered that, that jerk put me to sleep

He was crazy if he thought I was staying here. My grandma would sure be worried. I could imagine her worried face and my grandpa looking everywhere for me

I wondered about my parents. Would they care if I'd gone missing

I suddenly remembered that voice in my head that caused all of this I tried to call out to it

Voice voice hello can you hear me well this is dumb oh my god am going insane that am trying to talk to a voice in my head

Before I could finish my thought process, I heard a voice

Why do you call for me human

So I was indeed crazy
Enough I will not have you use such despicable names on ourselves, the voice replied angrily

About what happened in the cafeteria, was it you? Because it couldn't have been me, why did you hurt her

He is ours, and if that girl should touch him again, I will make sure to bathe in her blood. My time is up till we meet again, human.

I tried to understand what she meant he was"ours," and who was she? But for now, I had bigger issues to worry about how to get out of here.

kidnapped by my alpha mateWhere stories live. Discover now