thesis is dosia

27 0 4

PEGGY( ^ω^ ) :
im so bored
can something interesting happen pls

just go play ur stupid game
whats it called
projection soup?

PEGGY( ^ω^ ) :
..soup ??

A.Burr :
Good morning, can I ask a question?

A.Ham :
Sure, shoot.

A.Burr :
Oh I will, just wait for it.

A.Ham :

A.Burr :
Please disregard that.
My question was if I could add my girlfriend, Theodosia?
Shes very kind and she is in need of some friends. Even though you all are quite chaotic, I believe she would enjoy having you all as friends.

cherryred :
u dont need to convince me
i LOVE theodosia
shes sooo!!!! nice

laffytaffy :
i think i have met her one time,, she is very sweet.

A.Ham :
Go ahead and add her, Burr.
I wish to meet her.

A.Burr added dosia💗.

PEGGY( ^ω^ ) :
HII welcomeee !
ive heard rly good things abt u so in my eyes ur automatically cool:3

dosia💗 :
oh hello everyone! thank you so much for allowing me to join your groupchat
im glad you have heard good things about me, i strive to be kind to everyone🫶🏼

scarysis :
i love her already.

literallymother :
Me too!

dosia💗 :
oh wow, you are a plant mom as well?

literallymother :
Yes! :)
I can't believe I finally have another plant mom to talk to, I can already tell we'll become good friends.

dosia💗 :
thats so kind of you, im also happy to find another plant mom🌱

A.Burr :
Im glad you are already getting along with others, Dosia.

dosia💗 :
everyone is so nice, this is so calm and peaceful.

jefferson. :
u have no fucking idea how chaotic it gets sometimes

dosia💗 :
who are you?

jefferson. :
thomas jefferson

dosia💗 :
oh! ive heard of you before, nice to meet you☺️

jefferson. :

A.Ham :
Be nice for once, Jefferson.

jefferson. :
up yours hamilton.

scarysis :
so when did u and burr start dating @dosia💗 ?

dosia💗 :
3 months ago
we met through one of my former friends.

lalalalaurens :
ayayron got rizz

A.Burr :

its best u dont know what rizz is burr

literallymother :
me and maria are going to the mall, would anyone like to join us?

PEGGY( ^ω^ ) :

laffytaffy :
je souhaite, i am busy too.

A.Burr :
Could Theodosia come?
It might be beneficial for her to tag along so she could form a bond with you ladies.

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