𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆

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Before leaving to the dingo I quickly go through my bag I yet haven't unpacked since I came here, I grab my pheromone oil and rub it on both sides of my neck, my wrists, and on my chest.
Everybody was already having dinner, everybody except me
" your not going to eat?" Darry had said in a concerned tone
" I'm going to a friend's house for a project I'm just going to eat over there. "
Darry looks at me and then the jersey im wearing
" Who's jersey is that?"
I sigh loudly obviously annoyed
" My friend's" I exaggerate by dragging my words.
A knock comes from the door I turn quickly but obviously not wanting to make anything suspicious.

Sodapop goes to answer the door and everybody is watching from the table
" Hey is Y/N here? " Paul says confused but politely, holding a vintage teddy bear with a cute white laced dress with a bow

Soda looks over at me and then Paul
" Hey Paul!" I run to the door gently shoving soda aside causing Paul to chuckle, he hands me the bear smiling warmly.
" what's this for? " My eyes glisten looking into his eyes, smiling.
" I was at the gas station and thought you'd like it. " he smiles looking down at me, I hold onto the teddy bear looking at it for a minute, it reminded me of the one my uncle use to give me "Thank you Paul, I'm gonna say bye real quick and well get going."

Paul nods and waits by the steps of the house.

" I'ma head out I'll be back in a few! " as I was about to walk out I quickly run to the phone to call my best friend, cherry.

------- On the phone
"Hi it's Y/N, is Cherry there? "
"Hey sweetie, I'm sorry she just left like an hour ago with a friend."

" Oh okay, can you tell her I called? "

"Of course sweetheart.
"Thank you have a good night. "
" you too. "

" like I said I'll be back soon! "
I hug Darry, Two-bit, Steve with a quick side hug, Soda still waiting by the door.

Soda looks at me with bereft eyes
" I'll talk to you later soda? "
He doesn't respond and just gives a nod, I give him a quick hug and head out the door.

Paul still doesn't notice Im already out the house, I see him looking at the ground smiling
" what are you smiling about? " I grin
" Nothin' " he smirks his eyes and smile glimmering under the blueish hue

Before we drive to the dingo he reaches for the backseat pulling out a Boquet of pink and white tulips matching the teddy bear he had given me.
"Thank you Paul!" I look at the flowers admiring them as much as I can.

We pull into the Dingo parking lot as it was almost nearly full since they were displaying a new movie that had came out, for some reason I felt most people weren't here to see the movie since most of the cars had blankets covering their window and the ones that had a open hood was getting caught by the greasers since they were shining their light to catch them in some act if you know what I mean.

We pull into a spot that was pretty far from the screen but more privacy, a red car pulls next to us, looking nearly alike to the one sodapop drives
I duck down moving away from my seat
" what? what happened?" Paul says ducking too
" that car looks like Sodapop's. "

" it's alright the person driving it doesn't look like him. " reassuring me I look around and then pull myself up.

After a few minutes me and Paul are watching the movie the car next to us was having a full makeout session since I heard moans which bothered me, Paul moved closer to me putting his arm around me, at this point I wasn't even focused on the movie I was focused on Paul which he really seemed into the movie
As the wind blows onto my hair Paul brushes it off my face I lay onto the door of the car watching the movie, Paul just looking at me every few minutes which made me chuckle he lays the rest of his body onto mine as he leaned onto my neck " you smell good. " he chuckles I smirk since I knew it was the pheromone oil I position myself to sitting up incase he was gonna kiss me which I was wrong since he was again distracted by the movie, as I was watching the movie Paul moves his face closer to mine leaning for a kiss, I wrap my hands around his neck we were cut off by the car next to us moaning so loudly we couldn't even focus on eachother he chuckles we both part our ways moving off of eachother I start laughing by the red car literally moving.

After a few minutes I found my lips connected to Paul's, my hand running through his hair as his hand was on my waist, we both didn't care about privacy since we both were sitting in the very back.

We both were desperate for air but none of us broke off the kiss .

I hear a chuckle which made me break the kiss and shriek Paul looks over at the person, getting his body off of me.
I turn around and it was Dallas "omg what the hell do you want What are you doing here? " I say as he smokes a Ciggerete, his hair messed up and his face glossy with red lipstick on his neck and face and his pants unzipped .

I look at the red car and turn back to Dallas
" Oh- your so gross that was you?"
Dallas chuckles " Yeah? "
"Dal, y'all were so loud we couldn't even focus on the movie."

" you weren't focused on the movie you were moanin too. "

" oh shut up not as loud as her"

"You were louder with soda I don't know why your complainin." I froze, he laughed causing Paul to look at him

" I'll be back Paul, I'm gonna get us some snacks. " I slam the car door and shove Dallas pulling onto his leather sleeve

" why the fuck would you say that?"
Dallas grabs onto a strand of my hair brushing his fingers onto my face leaning closer to me, I move away from his face.

" move your hand, god knows where that has been." I push his hand and wipe my face

"It wasn't in- anywhere. "
" How am I supposed to believe that when you have her moaning like that. "
I make a disgusted face walking away from him
" And zip up your pants god damn it! "

I look onto the menu to order for me and Paul
" 2 cokes and a popcorn please. " I order, as I dig into my wallet I look at Dallas who is just staring at me
" you goin out with Paul, huh? "
I ignore him, giving the waitress some change
" he's a friend. " I say in a annoyed tone
As I put my change back in I give Dallas 8 bucks
"if your gonna fuck your girlfriend at least buy her something. "

Dallas follows me around like some stray dog
" what does she like? " Dallas looks at me
" why would I know? " I give him a disgusted face
" what do you like? " he looks around and then locking eyes with me
" Why don't you learn from Paul?"
He scoffs in response

" you know, she might need some water after all that moaning. "

I walk up to the waitress asking for a bottle of water and give it to Dallas
" can I get another popcorn with that please, thank you. " I hand Dallas the popcorn as we head back

" How's Ponyboy and Johnny?" I smile
" You saw them at the park earlier didn't you?" He says as he fixes his leather jacket
"No? " I chuckle confused
" back! " I hand Paul his coke and popcorn before getting in the car
Dallas just stands there smoking his ciggerete awkwardly.

" You can bring your girlfriend here and watch the movie with us. " I offer since the silence between us was really awkward
Paul looks at me with a Incredulity expression but then shrugs it off

Paul pulls me closer as we both focused on the movie

Dallas then brings the girl whom he fucked and they both sit in the back of Paul's car.

I turn around to introduce myself
" Hey I'm-" I look at cherry.
Cherry looks at me with her wided eyes expression before sitting quietly.

My eyes start to tear up since I never expected my own best friend to go with the guy she knew I had liked before.

" I'm gonna be back-" my voice cracks as I close the car door Paul looks at me then gets out of the car soon after.

I run into the bathroom of the dingo crying looking into the mirror I was confused why I even started crying, I questioned if it was cause of my best friend fucking the guy she knew I liked or if it was Dallas.
Just as I was about to walk out the door Paul walks to me seeing my glossy eyes as I held back from shedding into tears just from seeing Paul.

Paul pulls me into a hug
"What happened are you alright?"

"nothing, nothing I'm fine. " I smile looking at Paul with my red eyes.

Stupidity- The Outsiders/ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now