𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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It was a perfect day in Tulsa the sun was out the weather wasn't to hot neither was it too cold it could of had the perfect day until my narcissistic mom barged into my room yelling causing me to wake up and ranting about how I never do shit around the house and all I wanted to do is just sleep in, I was so tired from yesterday that I slept in my clothes from the night before I was that fucking exhausted.

All I wanted to do is rest, its the weekend.
It was a Saturday who wakes up at 11 am in the morning? I really lost my patience with that women I wouldn't even consider her as a mother I only give credits to her for birthing me but besides that she was just a bad person and my dad he was just worse he would throw shit around the house and call me a "whore" for wearing any type of makeup, I was fed up with them.

"I had so many fucking exams it's Saturday who the fuck wakes up at 11:06 am on a fucking Saturday! "

I yelled back that only made her more upset it was like adding oil to the fire

as soon as those words came out her mouth I just yelled back


I got up from the bed throwing the covers in the ground and I just grabbed a backpack and shoved clothes into the bag and my makeup I shoved her into the wall with my shoulder as I exited my bedroom. she was yelling something but I slammed the door behind me leaving the house

I made my way outside walking to the Curtis's house It was a few blocks down, They were my friends, practically  like family to me, Their doors were  always opened for me no matter what the situation was we always stayed together and had eachothers backs.

Like 𝙎𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙥 is my bestfriend we basically grew up together he's been my bestfriend since we were little kids he was also the person I shared  my first kiss with, it wasn't intentional it just sort of "happened" But I think we moved past that since it was a year ago  or at least I think we did.
We do everything and anything together, We would joke around alot and I would  tell him anything
whether that was about boys, my family problems, anything.
He was there to listen I'm suprised he would put up with my shit he was my ride or die.

𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 he was like a older brother to me he had always been so kind to me and he was the one who kept his brothers in place and took the role of parenting ever since their parents had died in the crash, I have so much respect to Darry than anybody else.

𝙋𝙤𝙣𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙮 was like my little brother he was really quiet and a very smart kid and he is a very artistic kid but he is also there when I need someone to talk to.

𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙣𝙮 he was really close friends with Dallas Winston, so me and him didn't really talk much we  would have conversations every now and then since we shared the same struggles like shitty parents .

𝙏𝙬𝙤-𝙗𝙞𝙩, he's a really funny guy he never failed to make me smile  he really did help boost my confidence everytime I talked down on myself.
The only thing I hated about Two-bit is how he gets whenever he drinks.
He gets stupid drunk and always says dumb shit, he would hit on me and then argue with me and then his only excuse was he was "drunk"  and he "didn't mean it".

𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 and I rarely talked he was funny to I guess, Steve is two-bit's and Soda's  friend they are the funniest trio i know.

Than there's 𝘿𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙨 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣,
We never got along, I always ignored him to avoid arguments

I'll admit, I had a crush on him  but I can't see myself with him since girls are always throwing themselves at him and whenever he gets the chance with any girl he takes it.
I've walked in on him with numerous girls, all of them being different girls every time, he just wasn't the type to be in a stable relationship, which is all I wanted from a guy, but that guy was obviously not Dallas so I don't bother talking to him anymore.

Than there's me I was the only Girl in their Group though I never really considered myself as a Greaser or a Soc, although I had many Greaser friends and I knew some Socs like my best friend Cherry Valance and she was a Soc I hated this whole Gang Rivalry, I never really understood the point of it, Thankfully there hasn't been much hatred between the two groups, most of the Socs are sweet they would usually talk to me I don't know if its because I was known in the School for what people say "drop-dead Gorgeous" looks or if it's because I was friends with Cherry, I was told by my Uncle who was like my Dad that I received compliments since I was Six that they would walk up to my Parent's or sometimes my Unlce saying that I was a "Beauty" for my Long Brown hair that matched perfectly with my
Dark Hazel-brown eyes and naturally long lashes.  I enjoyed getting compliments, Until I turned thirteen. My body started changing from a Kid to a teen if you know I mean i was finally going through puberty and  started getting a more what now days people say "attractive body figure" my mom was the reason I hated getting compliments since everytime I got one she would always say "maybe because your dressed like a whore" she would say so much to the point I hated my body.

On my way to the  Curtis's house
I was crying, drowning at the thoughts of my moms words repeating in my head i hated waking up to my parent's starting something for no reason.

~~~~~Authors Note~~~~♡

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