𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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I woke up in the morning feeling sore from my body, i had completely forgot about the scar on my back from yesterday and im surprised that the pain on my back was now almost completely gone the only thing that was killing me was the pain in my legs from last night

I got up and Soda was in the kitchen while the rest of the boys were waiting for breakfast.

I take a shower to freshen up, after showering I clean the mirror fog looking at the two hickeys I have, one on my neck and the other on my upper chest, I didn't have my foundation since I left it at home, so I couldn't really hide the hickeys

I decided to change into a black over sized shirt, since it won't be noticeable, and some jeans.

I clean up the mess that was made last night, which was fixing the bed, picking up the clothes and washing everything.

As I walk out of the room and into the kitchen everyone sitting down eating their breakfast, my plate next to Sodapop's and Dallas in front of me.

"Good morningg" I say smiling thinking about last night
I got a collective good morning from everybody except Dallas
" your in a happy mood. " Darry said smiling, serving a pancake on my plate.

" I got extra sleep. " I smile at myself before smiling at Soda, who was already looking at me studying my face in affection.

Dallas looks at both me and Soda
"did you? " he says while shoving his pancake in his mouth

Me and soda look at each other before looking at Dallas " Yeah, I did." I said I conceited tone

the whole time Soda was staring at me not breaking contact I just smiled, my face turning warm and red.

But I also felt Dallas staring at me he just kept looking at me and Sodapop

he knew that I can feel him staring at me but I just ignored him and putted all my focus on sodapop but Dallas just kept staring at us waiting for us to tell them about what we did yesterday or something

After everyone was done eating it was just me and Dallas while Sodapop was in the kitchen washing the dishes that was used earlier.
"Why do you keep looking at me for? " I said Sodapop turned his attention to Dallas and I

"damn so if I can't talk to you I can't look at you either? " dallas said throwing his hands up in the air "No Dallas you can't " I say sarcasticly while rolling my eyes and placing my finished plate in the sink

"just leave her alone Dallas" Sodapop said trying to help me out
Dallas just stared at Soda his eyes narrowing and furrowed his eyebrows together I went back to clean up the table as Dallas just sat there leaning back on his chair as I leaned In to grab the used cups Dallas leaned in "Was it good?" He said leaning in towards me as I picked up the cups "What are you talking about?" I said in confusion but I knew so well what he was talking about

Dallas moved a strand of my hair from my neck and pointed at my neck showing the freshly new hickeys from Sodapop
Dallas knew what he was doing, pushing my buttons especially with his smirk.

"Dallas I'm not having this conversation with you" I said backing away Dallas turns his direction towards me and Sodapop

As sodapop just finished washing the dishes "Soda can you drive me to school"
"Actually never mind I'll walk, I'm supposed to be going with my friend, Cherry. "

" I can drive you to school, I don't mind. " Sodapop said drying his hands before putting his DX shirt.

" No it's alright I'll just walk."
I smile at Soda, thats the least I can do, I wanted to give him a kiss goodbye or a hug but I knew Dallas and the others would be suspicious about us.

Sodapop walks towards me trying to place a kiss on my lips, I dodge it backing up knowing Dallas was watching.
Soda looks at me with a confusion face he parts his lips open as If he was gonna say something.
I cut him off by saying " I gotta go, I'll see you later" I look down avoiding eye contact.

As I walk out the house Cherry was waiting, as she gives me a side hug and a smile.
Sherri has been my friend for a few years, yet were extremely close, people found it weird a greaser and a Soc were friends but that didn't matter with me and Sherri, I call her Cherry most of the time because of her red beautiful hair

" Soo, you and sodapop? " she says elbowing my arm smiling

" Yeah, no that's not happening" I laugh

" Your acting funny, what's the tea? "

I smile looking down blushing thinking about last night.
" Oh my god, Y/N!"

I laugh nervously after she caught the memo.

" With Sodapop?! "
" who else!"
Cherry looks at me in shock smiling.
" stop I don't want you to say anything! " I say grabbing on her arm laughing.

" I'm shocked! I never would've thought it would be Sodapop and you! "

" neither did I, worst part is I think Dallas heard me and Soda cause he was being such an ass asking me how was it and pointing on my neck "

" oh my god.. He's such an ass, didn't you like Dallas before?"
I stop walking looking at Cherry

" we don't talk about that! I was like 13! " I chuckle

" okay, okay I'm sorry! " she laughs

" How was it, was it like rough or-" she looks at me smiling

"Stopp! It was like a quick session but he took things slowly and gently
I think it was perfect for the first time. "

" By the way your walking and those marks on your neck sure looks like it wasn't.. "

" I'm not walking funny! I'm just cramping."

"Sure you are!"
I hit her gently as a joke as we walk our way to school.

Stupidity- The Outsiders/ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now