A bead of rice

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the room, a soft knock on the door broke the peaceful silence that enveloped you. Startled, you quickly realized you were still clad in your school clothes, a remnant of another long day filled with lectures and assignments.

"Just a minute," you called out, hastily adjusting your skirt before making your way to the door. With a sense of curiosity tinged with excitement, you turned the handle and opened it to find yourself face to face with a tall man whose presence instantly made your heart flutter.

"Sorry to drop in," he spoke with a charming smile that lit up his eyes. You shook your head in response, feeling a rush of warmth at his unexpected visit.

"No need to apologize. But why are you here?" you asked, unable to hide the curiosity in your voice.

"Izana mentioned we're all meeting up this weekend," he explained casually. "And I couldn't help but notice that you might not have much to wear."

You nodded sheepishly, realizing that your wardrobe was indeed lacking in options for social gatherings. Before you could protest or offer any excuses, he surprised you by suggesting something.

"Let me take you out," he said with a grin that sent butterflies dancing in your stomach.

Your cheeks flushed as his words sank in, leaving you momentarily speechless.

"Out? Take me out?" You stammered slightly, feeling flustered by his sudden proposition. He seemed momentarily taken aback by your reaction before clarifying his intentions with a gentle smile.

"Yes, like... let's go shopping together, Like... let's get you some clothes." he clarified earnestly. "I want to make sure you feel comfortable and confident when we meet up this weekend."

With a shy nod and grateful smile playing on your lips, you accepted his offer eagerly. As he extended his arm towards yours invitingly.

"Wait kakucho! Right now?" you questioned, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty swirling inside you. He simply nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

"It's Thursday right now, that means we have two days till we meet up. I don't want to leave it last minute," he explained, his voice smooth and reassuring. You couldn't help but be drawn to him even more as he spoke with such confidence and certainty.

"Okay," you smiled softly, feeling a rush of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. With a quick nod from Kakucho, you walked away from your house.

a sudden realization struck you like lightning. "Oh wait, my wallet," you exclaimed, turning back towards the safety of your home. Before you could take another step inside, Kakucho's voice stopped you in your tracks.

"No need. Izana's paying," he declared casually, causing confusion to cloud your thoughts momentarily. "Huh?" you gasped in surprise.

As Kakucho flashed an endearing smile in response to your bewildered expression, he gently reassured you that accepting Izana's kind gesture would be the polite thing to do. Feeling touched by both his thoughtfulness and generosity, you couldn't help but agree with his logic.

"If I say no, that would be rude right?" You giggled as he nodded.

As you and Kakucho strolled through the bustling mall, the vibrant lights and sounds of the shops surrounding you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement in the air

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As you and Kakucho strolled through the bustling mall, the vibrant lights and sounds of the shops surrounding you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement in the air.

"Come on, Y/N," Kakucho urged, holding up a dazzling sequined dress. "This would look amazing on you! And Izana is the one paying anyway. He wants to spoil you."

You chuckled softly, shaking your head at his persistence. "I appreciate it, Kakucho, but I don't need anything too extravagant. I'm happy just spending time with you guys."

But every time you declined his offers, a pout would form on Kakucho's face as he tried another tactic to convince you to indulge in some retail therapy.

As the day went on, Kakucho's offerings became more extravagant and expensive - designer dresses, sparkling jewelry, luxurious coats. Each time he presented something new for you to try on, his insistence grew stronger.

Finally, after declining yet another lavish gown that cost more than your monthly rent, Kakucho let out a frustrated sigh. "Y/N," he began earnestly. "I know you're not used to this kind of luxury or attention from Izana. But he genuinely wants to spoil you because he cares about you."

You looked into his mismatched eyes and saw genuine concern mixed with mischief dancing within them. You knew that both Kakucho and Izana were good friends who only wanted the best for each other - including spoiling their friends rotten.

With a soft smile tugging at your lips, you relented and allowed yourself to be pampered by their generosity. As you tried on each extravagant piece of clothing under Kakucho's watchful eye and Izana's approving grin when you finally met up with him later that evening for dinner.

"You look pretty" izana grinned as he eat his adobo. A few pieces of rice littered his lips as he tried his best to look and act high and mighty.

A giggle left your lips as you leaned over the table, he blushed as you placed your fingers over his lips.

Kakucho, whom was sat next to you both, watched in awe, as the small beads of rice left his kings face, he looked down in embarrassment.

"Here" you spoke aloud as kakucho looked up only to have your fingers roughly placed into his mouth.

Removing them you smiled.

Meanwhile izana stared into space.

His dark blush never leaving his tanned cheeks.

He touched his lips with his hand as he imagined your fingers as your lips instead.

Swallowing the rice, kakucho mumbled an awkward 'thank you'


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