33. Ro's POV

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It happened.

Ro could tell from the way Sophie now looked at Keefe; identical to the way he'd been looking at her for who knows how long.

After Ro was practically shoved out the door, she looked to Sandor. "Hey, Gigantor. It's been a while! Thanks for letting me sneak in. The look on their faces? Priceless. Anyways, what's going on? Did it happen? 'Cause if it did, I need to speak with Grizel."

"Did what happen?" Sandor asked innocently.

"Come on, Gigantor, I'm not a fool. I saw the way they gazed into each others' eyes. And I get protecting your charge's secrets, but I'll find out sooner or later. The latter in a much more public display that involves a lot of kissing noises and smoochy faces." Ro grinned her conspirator's grin, and Sandor yielded.

"Fine- yes, it happened. Why are you so desperate for this piece of information that you seemed to have figured out on your own?"

"Because- I want blackmail on Keefe; any and all information that can and will be used against him. After what he pulled at Mr. Sparkly Doctor's house, I am taking no chances with my charge."

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you, Romhilda, but all of Miss Foster's friends have been informed of her relationship status involving Mr. Sencen; so have her parents, and I'm assuming Lord Sencen as well."

Ro growled at Sandor's use of her full name. She didn't like it; at all. It was too formal, and it made her sound stuck-up. Ro was anything but stuck-up.

"Well, also... I honestly think that they're good together, and Wonderboy was in the way before. I'm genuinely happy that they're finally dating. And I can be happy for people and use the stuff I'm happy about to my benefit."

"Uh huh. Why did you need to speak with Grizel?"

"We... had a bet going for when the two lovebirds would get together. I said within the next 3 months, and she said it'd be at least a year. That was right before I left; and look at us now! I'm owed some very embarrassing things, including pink hair, long pink nails, and other things." Again, Ro smiled mischievously.

Sandor sighed. " Do you have any other business to attend to here or are you just here to bother me?" Sandor gave Ro a side eye that would have made Keefe proud.

"Ah, but Sandor, you forget that Keefe is still my charge. I have to stay, just as much as you do. Now, I'm curious, what have they been doing in there?" Ro went to open the door, and succeeded before Sandor could stop her. With a smirk pointed at her fellow bodyguard, Ro pushed the door open the rest of the way.

Ro found Sophie and Keefe sitting on the edge of the bed, staring into each other's eyes.

"Hm." Ro said with a low laugh. "With Wonderboy gone, I should have known Sophie would need to stare into someone's eyes."

Both Sophie and Keefe's heads snapped up, and Keefe groaned. "Why are you in here?" He asked with no small amount of irritation.

"Better question: What were the two of you doing before I came in here?"

"We were sorting through my recent memories to try and find the cause of the immense amount of emotional turmoil that I've been in for the last couple of days, while also looking for any inconsequential evidence of betrayal or hint of disloyalty that our two newly departed Councilors may have allowed us to gleam from their behavior within the time period that we have been searching, although we have accepted that the minute details that Councillor Liora and Councilor Ramira may have given us may be incomprehensible or too long dated past for us to make much sense of them."

Ro blinked.

Once, twice.

Sophie huffed a laugh, and Ro simmered as she asked through clenched teeth, "Is that what you've been doing? Coming up with some fancy garbage that I can't understand to get back at me for doing who knows what?"

"Well, we've actually been doing what I said, but when you barged in, I kind of just started improvising. Pretty good, if I do say so myself." Sophie held up her hand, and Keefe high-fived her.

"But what did you say?!" Ro asked, beyond annoyed.

"We've been sorting through Sophie's memories to find what's been making her irritable and angry lately, and while we do that, we've also been looking for any signs or details that we may have missed that could have told us in advance about Liora or Ramira's plans to betray us, or something that could help us in the future." Keefe smirked. "Better?"

"Better," Ro muttered, still seething. "I guess I'll leave you two to it."

Not risking any further irritation, Ro walked back out of the room.

Yay! Finally finished. Omg. Don't know why that was so hard.

Anyways, did you guys like Ro's POV? We were due for a new one, and it was the perfect moment. It was shorter than usual, but we can pretend that's not true 😅

K, so I've been cutting back this last week or so, I know, but it's gonna be even more from now on. Here are reasons why: 1. It's testing season. That means I have more tests to take, which means less late nights writing and more time studying. 2. I've kinda lost inspiration. This chapter was NOT good. I don't know if you could tell, but I was really grasping for words. Also, I'm having a hard time writing the action, and I'm getting stuck on stuff that doesn't matter. Pretty sure it's writer's block (my first time having it), so I'm just taking longer breaks in between parts to clear my head and actually WRITE DECENT. 3. I have other projects I want to write. Currently, I have this fanfic and "When All Is Said and Done: A KOTLC Sleepover Fanfic" that I'm working on right now, and I want more writing freedom. I don't just wanna write about Keeper, I also want to write about PJO and maybe HP and maybe even ToG when I finish that. Plus, eventually, I gotta write my own stuff, if I ever want to be a half-decent author (I want to have another job, like being an editor or something, as my main career, and I want to write on the side). Right now I suck at character development and Settings and that kinda stuff, and writing original works is the best way to help with that.

Alright, so I really hope you guys understand, and so it'll probably be a week or two in between parts. Sorry! When it becomes summer and school's out I'll try to write more.

Question: what is your fav story on Wattpad? And don't say this one (cause I know it's not this one). I want to find cool books on this site, and I don't know where to start besides fanfics and stuff.

Keep on reading, and Bookworm out!

(P.S. I found a fanfic with a heartbreaking storyline if you want to maybe cry and ur a fan of Keeper. It's called "A random ending to kotlc" and it's by @Rosedieter and it's pretty good.)

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