24. Sophie's POV

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"Um," Sophie hesitated to agree to the game, even though she had nothing to be afraid of. Right?

But Keefe didn't wait for everyone's approval. He just outright said, "Well, it doesn't matter, because everyone's doing it. Here are the rules: the only people eligible to be a part of the Kiss, Marry, Kill are those here right now and the rest of the group, which is really only Dex. Oh, but no adults. And if you choose not to comply with answering, you have to do a Keefe-Level dare." He grinned slyly.

"Don't we have stuff to do? Like, really important stuff?" Stina asked, obviously pleased to have a reason not to participate in the game.

Sophie started to agree, but Keefe cut her off. "This is more important. We need to lighten up with a harmless game, hence Kiss, Marry, Kill. I am not taking no for an answer from anyone. Now, who'd like to go first?

"I will!" Stina looked at Linh and said, "Linh, Kiss, Marry, Kill, Marella, Fitz, and Tam."

"Hey, no siblings!" Tam said, so Stina sighed and replied, "Fine, replace Tam with... Wylie."

"Oh, um... can I have a minute to think about it?"

"We'll come back to you," Keefe looked around at their group, before starting, "Alright, Sophie, Kiss-"

"Kiss, Marry, Kill, Wylie, Marella, Fitz." Linh said suddenly.

Wylie started, Marella beamed, and Fitz looked away.

"Oh, drama! That's what I'm talking about!" Exclaimed Keefe. "But, in all seriousness, thank you Linh, for answering so honestly. Would you care to explain your answers?"

"Well... at one point in time, I had a small crush on Wylie, so that's a little bit why I chose that, but more so because I like Marella, a lot, and I would like to marry her. In-um, this situation, of course. I like Wylie too much, as a friend, to want to kill him, and Fitz just kind of ended up at the bottom." Linh looked apologetically at Fitz, who shrugged as if to say, "I guess I understand."

Marella was still beaming at Linh's confession, and she said, "I like Linh back. We're dating."

Most of the group shouted something along the lines of "Yes!" or "Way to go!" since most of them had shipped Linhella for a long time. They all clambered to ask the couple questions, but Keefe's voice rang out against the chaos.

"Ok, everyone, let's give them some space and continue our game. Linh, you ask."

"Okay, um..." She took a second to think. "Oh, I've got it! Biana, Kiss, Marry, Kill, Tam, Dex, and Stina."

"Stina's a no-brainer, I'm not kissing her or marrying her, so kill. And I'll go... ok, Kiss, Marry, Kill, Dex, Tam, Stina."

"Hey!" Stina exclaimed, unhappy with her place in that round.

"Sorry Stina, that's the game. Biana, your turn to ask." Keefe turned toward Biana.

Biana seemed to instantly know her question. "Mine's for Sophie. Kiss, Marry, Kill, Dex, Fitz, and Keefe."

Sophie made sure to think carefully about her answer, but in her heart, she knew her answer right away.

"Kiss, Marry, Kill, Dex, Keefe, and Fitz. For Dex, I like him too much as my best friend to even think about killing him, but we wouldn't get married, so he'd be Kiss. I know it wouldn't be awkward, at least not nearly as awkward as that first one."

Biana exclaimed, "I'm sorry, did you say the first one?!" But Sophie ignored her and continued.

"For Keefe, he's kind of a no-brainer, because we're dating, and I wouldn't want to kill him, and of the three boys, Keefe is the most likely that I'd marry. It would be very likely. In the hypothetical, of course."

Sophie smiled at Keefe, who beamed back. Then, she finished, "And, not unlike Linh's, that leaves me with Fitz. I'd have to kill him. Sorry." She directed the apology at Fitz, who seemed much more bothered by being 'killed' by Sophie compared to when he was 'killed' by Linh. He stalked over to the Panakes tree to sulk.

Before anyone could remark on Fitz's grumpiness, Dex glittered into view a few feet away from them.

"I figured it out!" he exclaimed, but he couldn't see them. He turned in a circle until he spotted them, in which he came over to them.

"There you are. But yeah, I found out how Elysian did it. Plus a lot more. You'll want to see this."

Sorry if this was kind of a fluff update. Ive been wanting to something like 'Kiss, Marry, Kill' for awhile, tho i wouldve liked to do Truth or Dare, since most ships are already decided and confirmed, i thought kiss marry kill would be better.

to the question: can u guys give me question ideas? I'm running out, and I want to give u guys one every update, so I need lots. I might look some up online, but until then, what do you think? What questions should I ask? Thx, bye 👋

Elysian (After Stellarlune)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora