8. Keefe's POV

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After explaining everything that had happened as much as he could, Keefe went to sit next to Sophie, who was now sitting up.

"Hey, Foster. How are you feeling?" Keefe asked her, grabbing her hand.

"Better now that you're here." Sophie said. Elwin looked at them funny, and Biana giggled behind her hand.

"Just ignore them." Keefe told Sophie.

"OK," Sophie said. "But I have a question."

"Anything, Foster. What do you need?"

"Do you think now's a good time for us to tell Grady that we're together because he can't yell at me while I'm injured?"

Keefe laughed at that. "Well, it depends. Is he talking? If not, does he look angry, stressed, or in any way in a bad mood?"

Sophie peered behind Keefe. "Not that I can see. I'll call him over."

As Sophie called Grady over, Keefe realized something. Sophie said they were 'together.' They were together! Officially! Keefe was so happy that he barely noticed Grady glaring at Keefe and Sophie's locked hands as he walked over to them. Sophie did though, and snatched her hand out of Keefe's.

"Sorry," She whispered. "Force of habit." She grabbed his hand again.

"It's fine, Foster. Anything to make this go smoother."

"What do you need, Sophie?" Grady asked suspiciously as he got to them.

"Well, I want to tell you something."

This is almost as hard as confessing my feelings to you. Sophie's voice said suddenly in Keefe's head.

We got this. Don't worry. Keefe thought back.

Before Sophie could continue, there was a huge explosion above their heads.

It was Gisela, levitating near the top of the glass dome. She smiled evilly down at their group.

"Forgot about me, did you? No matter." She said, holding up an explosive crystal. "Now, I will destroy this place."

No, not Elysian! (the place, not the person, cause i think the place is still called Elysian even tho that's also the person's name) what's gonna happen? (duh duh duh!) (I'm overdramatic, I know)

P.S. we r at about 200 reads when I am writing this. That's so awesome. thank you guys so much. I never thought i'd be the author who does these shoutout thank you things, but here i am, doing it :)

Elysian (After Stellarlune)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ