Struggling to Go Home

Start from the beginning

Melman: Great. Idiot.

Alex: I heard that!

Melman: Ugh. Why can't we just borrow some of Marty's fire?

Alex: That's wildfire! We're not using wildfire on the Lady Liberty. Now, rub, Melman.

Melman: I've been doing... I can't. I can't. I can't do it. I ju... I can't do it! [The fire appeared on the woodsticks of Melman as he is surprised] Fire. Fire. Fire! Fire! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Ah. Oh, my... Ah! Oh! Fire!! AAHHHH!!

Alex: Not yet! No, no! No!

[Melman accidentaly puts the Statue of Liberty made by Alex on fire]

Melman: Fire!

Alex: No, no! No! Not yet! [Jumps off]

Gloria: Melman, hold still! Jump! Alex, jump! [Instead Alex lands on his face] Don't worry, cats always land on their... Face? Man, what kind of cat are you?

[The handcrafted Statue of Liberty fire got blown off by the wind and it collapses.]

Alex: You maniac!! You burned it up! Darn you! Darn you all to heck!

Melman: Can we go to the fun side now?

Christian: Hey guys. I'm back with some food I can find an- What the heck happened here!!


[At the Lemur tree with a plane inside there is a meeting going on.]

Maurice: Everybody, calm down

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Maurice: Everybody, calm down. Come on. Into your chairs. Yes. Everybody please, calm down. Let go of his tail. Separate those two, would you, please? You over here, and you over there. Everybody, Shhh... Calm down, people, OK? Ugh. Now, presenting your royal highness, the illustrious blah, blah, blah. You know, et cetera, et cetera. Hooray. Let's go.

King Julien: Now, everybody, we all have great curiosity about our guests, the New York giants. Yes, Willie?

Willie: I like them.

Mort: I like them. I like them. I liked them first. Before I even met them I liked them.

King Julien: Yes, yes.

Mort: When I saw them, I liked them right away. You hate them compared to how much I like them.

King Julien: Oh, shut up. You're so annoying!

Mort: Hee-hee-hee.

King Julien: Now, for as long as we can remember, we have been attacked and eaten by the dreaded fossa.

Lemur: The fossa! The fossa are attacking! AAAHHH!!! AAHHH!!

[Everyone all screamed and panic.]

Lemur: It's a cookbook! IT'S A COOKBOOK!!!!!

King Julien: Alright! Please. Please. Maurice.

Maurice: Shh! Quiet!! Come on, y'all. They're not attacking us this very instant.

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