Nights in the Hold of Stone Melt into Sun Kissed Mornings

Start from the beginning

Terrifying as that idea was the exhaustion in my bones thrilled at the idea of laying down with pillows and blankets and Bill. Rounding to the side of the bed to avoid the embarrassment of crawling up it with him watching, I made myself comfortable against the impeccable plush pillows. Tentatively I fidgeted with the blankets to calm my nerves, "Will you come lay with me?"

He was already moving, crawling from his spot at the foot, grinning. "Just tell me how you want me."

"Shut up." I grumbled, nevertheless grabbing at his arms and shoulders to pull him down besides me. He wrapped me up in his arms, pulling me into his chest. He stretched out beneath me, tangling his long legs with mine and trapping my knee between his thighs, one arm firmly around my waist and the other hand working slow steady circles in between my shoulder blades. I rubbed my nose against the soft cloth of his shirt, the heat radiating from his chest quickly chasing away the chill from my still damp hair.

"Sooo, what do we do now?" Bill whispered, his voice amplified from his chest under my ear.

"I sleep and you do whatever it is you do." After a moment I tacked on, "I want to talk about all of this with you but I've been literally dreaming of this exact moment so I don't care what you do as long as you don't move or leave."

His ever moving hand wandered into my hair, combing through drying knots. "I will never leave you. I will keep you safe from this day forward, I promise, so we have plenty of time to talk this out later. For now, sleep as long as you need."

Sinking in even closer, it only took a few minutes of listening to his heart beat to realize something was missing. "This is gonna sound weird but um can you read for me, like when- you know." My stupid stutter always seems to reemerge when I least want it to.

"Do you want me to pick up where I left off in Frankenstein?"

Relieved that he hadn't just scoffed, "Yes."

So he just did, a calming lolling tone that rumbled under my hand splayed out on his collar bone. Sleep crept in slowly, hiding behind the caresses of his hands along my back and hair. This was everything and more.

Bill Cipher is a dream demon who came to this world in desperation to escape the second dimension and he did so by bringing down destructive chaos that could have killed millions. But here he was, back with the whole world at his fingertips this time and yet he was here, laying in bed with me instead of out there. Bill Cipher's heartbeat under my ear, steady as a drum with the echo of his voice, the fact that he has a heart at all. A human form when he so openly despised the human body before, spending several millennia as a two or three dimensional triangle instead.

Everything about him, everything about this moment right here is so incredibly unreal to me. It's so much more than a dream and so much more than reality.

Bill is everything.


"Did you have to leave? What did we ever do to you!"

Sharp and quick.

Heavy black muck dripped from the ceiling, down the walls, over the head and shoulders of the figures. None of them paid much attention.

"All I did was help you. You ungrateful bastard."

Fire, red, hot, only spurred on the muck, revealing its true color to be red.

One of the two figures fell apart, collapsing to the other's feet.


I woke up knowing something was wrong. It came with a jolt, the hairs on the back of my neck standing straight on end. Immediately I was hyper aware of my body first. Heart  pounding, blood rushing into my ears.

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