Chapter 14

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I couldn't help but keep glancing at my phone, checking the time.

Owen was supposed to meet me in the back school parking lot ten minutes ago, and the temperature was beggining to drop.

I crossed my arms, about ready to go inside as Owen's white car rolled into the parking lot, stopping right in front of me. He rolled down the drivers side window, hair messy. "Get in."

I kept my arms crossed. "You're late. How are you late? All you had to do was move your car from the front parking lot to the back."

Owen rolled his eyes. "I went home to grab something. Are you getting in or not miss passenger princess?"

I shot him a glare but walked around the back of the car, sliding into the passenger seat of his Mercedes-Benz, the leather seats warm under me. I slid my backpack off and put it at my feet, buckling up as I glanced around the car.

It smelled clean and there was no clutter except for a hockey bag in the back seat, Owen starting to drive after checking that i'm buckled.

"So where are we going?" I asked, watching as Owen left school. I watched his speed and the speed limit signs, watching as he went exactly the speed limit.

"An empty parking lot." Owen glanced at me, seeming a bit nervous.

"You're letting me drive this?" I asked, guessing that was the reason for the nerves. "That or you're murdering me where no one else is around."

Owen smiled a little. "I'm letting you drive this. But murder is always an option if you hit anything."

"I wont don't worry.. I drove a golf cart once."

"That makes it sooo much better." Owen said sarcastically, as pulled into an empty parking lot. He pulled flawlessly into a spot, parking the car and turning it off. "Okay uh, switch seats with me."

Owen and I both climbed out of the car, but he stood by the driver side door as I sat down in the driver's seat, very far away from the wheel and unable to see.

"Okay uh, adjust the seat so you can actually see." Owen was laughing, bending down so he could reach the lever beside my seat. He began to pump it and the seat rose, also getting closer to the wheel.

Once I was able to see and actually reach the wheel, Owen stopped.

"Can you reach the peddles?" He asked, "I mean with your legs being two feet tall."

I glared at him. "I'm 5'0 so that would be insanely disproportionatal."

"That doesn't help your case." Owen said, hiding a smile. "Okay, can you reach them?"

I nodded, gently pressing on the two peddles in front of me. Since the car was off, nothing happened.

Owen nodded. "Okay, the bigger peddle in the middle is the break, and the smaller one to the right is your gas. For the car to remain stopped you have to hold down the break, but the car will automatically begin to roll even if you don't press on the gas."

I nodded, letting him know I was listening.

"So when I get in and you get everything adjusted, i'll teach you how to turn on the car, and then we're going to practice just driving. Do you feel okay right now?"

I nodded again. "Yeah I feel okay."

Owen nodded. "Good." He shut the driver side door and walked around the car, hopping in the passenger seat. "Okay, now gently press on the break,"

I did as I was told, my hands gripping the wheel.

"Okay now push that button, and hold till the engine turns on."

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