Chapter 3

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When I woke up, the room was empty except for an unfamiliar face, sitting in a plastic chair as far away from me as he possibly could.

His hair was fluffier than the boy's I'd met before, but they looked oddly similar. Softer features though, longer hair.

"I'll go get the nurse." He murmured after glancing up at me, already standing up from his chair and sliding what looked like a phone into the back pocket of his jeans. He was dressed in a dark blue Seattle Washington hoodie, which may be a hint as to where we are.

He isn't sad. He isn't crying, he isn't worried.

"You dislike me."

The boy stopped with his back turned to me, turning around with a confused expression on his face. "What?"

I could tell from his look, whoever this guy was, he hated me. He was practically glaring at me, jaw tight, arms in his pockets.

"You're the only person i've been around that isn't crying." I sat up in the bed, the tubes going up my nose becoming slightly uncomfortable as I adjusted myself. For the first time I examined my arms, looking thin and pale. They were covered in freckles, and bandaids, but they felt familiar. That was a relief. "Sorry, do you have a mirror?" I looked up at the guy now, who looked even more confused.

"You really can't remember a thing?" He asked, although he began to walk towards me, pulling out his phone. As he approached I realized how tall he was, staring down at me with furrowed brows as he handed me his phone, the camera open and my reflection staring back at me.

For the first time, I recognized someone. I had no memories of doing this before, but the fact that I was looking at me, felt right. This was me. My orange hair, my freckles, my brown eyes, dark eyebrows, round nose. All of it felt familiar. But there was no color in my face, my lips and cheeks pale.

But the giant bandage on my forehead was new as well, one cheek bruised and a small cut above my eyebrow.

"Not a thing." I clicked off the phone, handing it back to the boy. "So i'm not sure why you dislike me."

"You nearly killed my brother for starters." He grabbed the phone from my hands, shoving it back into his pocket. "You broke his arm and now he can't play, you're ruining his career, and you're the biggest bitch i've ever met. I don't want to be here when you get your memories back."

The biggest bitch?


I caused the accident?

What was my boyfriend's name again? Carter? I heard someone say Carter.

"You're Carter's brother?" I paused, staring up at him. "And you hate me?"

"Twin brother, I don't hate you." he softened his eyes a little as he leaned against the nearest wall, crossing his arms. "This is so weird."

"Twin?" I studied his features, comparing him to Carter in my head. The only memory I had of Carter was from the hospital before I fell asleep again, frowing. "You don't look like twins."

"We're not identical." He was still studying me, a feeling of discomfort rising in my stomach. "I could be lying to you right now, and you would have no idea. Infact everyone could be lying to you from now on and you wouldn't know."

"Are you lying to me?" I frowned at him, thinking his statement was odd.

"No, if you get your memories back I don't want to get run over." He glanced around the room breifly, "I really should get the nurse."

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