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    Idea by GalacticaGurl from my private messages lol

    Hope you like this!

    Not a ship, this is just bromance.

    Leo really wanted to run off, go somewhere except the infirmary. His only problem: He was in there with two other people -- not including Will.

    To explain, Leo was being forced into a little 'Will attempting to be a therapist' session with Percy and Nico. Though, why those two were there was beyond him in complete honesty. He did know why he was there though.

    Two days before, Leo's depression had gotten really bad. Like, he couldn't even make himself fake being happy. That bad. He'd eventually come to the general conclusion, since his brain was too fucked up to deny it, that nobody really gave a shit. That didn't end up well.

    Actually, it ended up with him grabbing a razor. That didn't end well either, as Piper found him in his generally delirious stage of blood loss and asked what had happened. He might've said some really depressing shit.

    You know, Inferiority. That kind of shit.

    He was a tad relieved when Will had left to go talk to Chiron. Actually, he was really relieved.

    He didn't want to talk, though he obviously didn't get that wish.

    "So, what are you here for?" Percy asked Nico, as a sorta Ice breaker.

    "You know why, Jackson." Nico deadpanned. "That and Will's being a protective boyfriend."



    "I'm honestly surprised you haven't made some immature joke yet." Nico commented. It took a few moments for Leo to answer, as he was wondering if he could pull the IV's out of his arm. Who knew you needed those for blood loss? He was also pretty sure one had nectar in it.

    He shrugged in response to the question, muttering a soft 'not feeling it' at the same time. Percy nodded solemnly, as if he understood what he'd meant. Leo was curious about that.

    He started poking at the stitches on his wrist, lost in thought. Percy suddenly put his hand above the stitches.

    "I wouldn't, might break them." Percy said, before adding, "Unless that was the point?"

    Leo shrugged again, not quite sure himself. Percy just sighed.

    "I'd be mad, but it's not like I haven't tried the same thing before." Percy relented. Leo's head, which was still facing the stitches, shot up to look at him. "Not that I do that anymore though, thanks to my mom and Annabeth." He said quickly, seeing Leo's face.

    "You used to cut?" Leo asked, his voice hoarse when he raised it.

    Percy laughed nervously. "Yeah, probably why I'm here, I just didn't have a very good home life. Not with my stepfather and all..." He trailed off, but Leo recognized the pained look. He'd see the same one in the mirror when he thought of Teresa.

    "And that means?" Nico asked with a interested tone, but Leo could hear the confusion.

    "He was abusive." Leo spoke softly. It took him until Percy's slightly shocked look to realize he'd said it aloud.

    "Wha-" He cut himself off. "How did you know?"

    Leo stared at the IV's again, eventually muttering a small answer.

    "Guess I'm not the only one..." It so quiet after that, Leo wasn't sure he's spoken. He got so nervous, he started trying to make some excuse to make it sound less bad.

    "I mean, it probably wasn't even that bad. I'm probably being dramatic and all, since I never actually died. Though I guess I got close-" He stopped, stumbling on the words. "Never mind."

    The silence was unbearable.

    "Dam, we really are fucked up." Nico randomly said in a blunt tone.

    Leo and Percy started laughing, completely oblivious to the Son of Apollo listening outside the infirmary.

    This was fun to write and all, but it was also super short-



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